Bro…… he was referring to this:
you dont like both me and outedwolf right. did you read the interaction we had? do you think that could’ve been W/W theater?
did u? do you know where I can find it
i got a notification about that message in isolation to any other messages and I wanted to do some catching up
if you don’t mind telling me what your explanation was that would be grand
u got a message?
I haven’t read it but I know Rue and Achro have done real good theatre in the last game that was really good and looked unaligned, although I’m not sure if it applies to you guys but I don’t really trust any “not W/W via interactions” reads regarding Rue and/or Achro
How oblivious are people……
sorry, I just got confused

This is dumb and annoying
It infuriates me that I’m actually somehow below so many of those slots like are you dead ass
what do you think about both of us alignment wise based off of our interaction past this post. do you think its t/t t/w or w/w? @Zorvo
Blame Memes
unrelated but looking at myself last night I was incredibly seethy sorry about that
Could be.
I’ll tell you this. If you flip mafia i will consider gyrlander as spewed town from you.
Because i dont see a wolf who is under the scope for switching from Heisenberg to Katze yesterday and knows they are most likely to get chopped if Katze flips town, associating themselves this hard with another wolf. Wolf you tries to associate with town!Gyrlander here to get me to tunnel them harder if im still alive by then.
Veredict: You and Gyrlander are a difference check for me now.

Because i dont see a wolf who is under the scope for switching from Heisenberg to Katze yesterday and knows they are most likely to get chopped if Katze flips town, associating themselves this hard with another wolf.
knowing you believe this mindset for gaul and gyr, what if arctic got blasted and flipped w this eod. who would you look at?
If Memes is a wolf I’m declaring and will always consider avoiding questions/stuff directed/mentioned about him is his wolf tell and will always push when it happens.

Because i dont see a wolf who is under the scope for switching from Heisenberg to Katze yesterday and knows they are most likely to get chopped if Katze flips town, associating themselves this hard with another wolf. Wolf you tries to associate with town!Gyrlander here to get me to tunnel them harder if im still alive by then.
Veredict: You and Gyrlander are a difference check for me now.
how does this make gyr mafia
He was sussing spf so lol
Arctic is next in my list of people to ISO.
But gth
Arctic is highly associated with Gyrlander because they sort of defended them from my push yesterday, but in this case it is less telling because I’ve seen town!Arctic hard defending his reads in Valorant, so i’d check into gyrlander as a priority.
You flipping wolf does not in my opinion, that is the whole point.
If you flip town you could be wrong about Gyr. Gyr has a lot of scum tells this game, so i will keep pursuing that read, whether you like it or not.
RIP Memes, was a living Meme till the end.
And i made her a death screamer last night, see? Good players like us reevaluate instead of death tunneling town for shit reasons.