Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

We could, but low posters like ruby and eevee are often believed to be shot targets. I didnt even have the thread pull to get eevee to post today.

I dont feel very hounded by you. Have you asked me any new questions?

I’M TERRIFIED. Not like I can snap my fingers and erase you from the game.

I clearly townread both, so I’m not sure why you’re asking me this.

On day 1 i had some against the grain reads like thinking Arctic voild be a wolf with Gyrlander or that you could be open wolfing so my focal point is you two and then ISO people that are not hyperpostets to help myselg getting a bigger scope of the game with as many names as possible.

I also have a very bad scum read on you based on meta. Bad as in i’d even suspect myself from making it and it’d contradict my statement earlier of holding you in higher standards than both Bradland and Sadbi.

im not budging off ruby for now.
i think the arc wagon is driven by wolves
if not katze (which could be true!)
then her wingmen on the push in brad/achro/zack

i don’t se a reason not to let both arc/kat live another day!
we can just…
choose to talk about other stuff?
it doesn’t have to suck up all the thread air

You mentioned my champa qualifier yeah? You can ask anyone active in spec chat who is in this game how much i talk about my disgust from my performance there. Dont know how many people that applies to this game other than spf and katze though.

Meta isnt a very reliable way to read me because i so often change my game for fun. You can read my latest wolf game morb if you like, but even that wouldnt be a reliable way to tell if i am wolf or not. I dont mind it, i think the fluidity of thought you showed day 1 still holds and you arent being disruptive but yeah meta isnt the way to go with me lol.

Why is Zack included in this list, and not min?

(Also, good morning, I hope you’re feeling better :heart:)

if im forced to swap i choose kat because the arc wagon looks impure af
but im staying on ruby for now

arc just feels
so villagery
you can burn me if im wrong on that

Ah so by hounding you mean just saying my name repeatedly and not solving. Got it lol

min gave me a dr pepper

ill need some time to organize my thoughts bc morning but
i get the impression of min’s progressions feeling natural and uninformed with emotional drive
while zacks feel flat and matter-of-fact

whats your read on me?

anyway heres the data since some of yall didnt want to play this excerise:

zacks isnt wolfy
i just don’t think its villagery
hes null so im putting him as a possible of

Zorvo mainly did because he didn’t want the person he invited lynched D1. I believe that was his main reason and I cannot argue… I want to keep playing with all of you!

I have very big issues differentiating between Gaul and Artic, but I just can only tell that I am happy. I’m kind of easily pocketable and I like them for it! That doesn’t mean they get a free pass to the end of the game because if I don’t detect towny vibes from their posts I won’t refuse to vote them. Although I put them over null players because I like them. That’s it!

Any questions or comments or stuff to point out

mine is so scuffed but I rlly dont think that way

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Town, i really do believe wolves dont complain about being town read like you do. On top of that we agree on eevee/ruby being sorted at some point and i think your desire to see them brought into the light and delay katze/arctic’s is flawed but ultimately pure thinking.

You were right on heisen day 1 when you cast that vote too, even if you went elsewhere in the end.

There’s only three mentions of eevee in this entire list despite him being top wagon most of the day, and two of them are from Achro, who’s been the main pusher against him.

Does that mean anything to you?

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Your world view if Arctic or katze are V is aligned with mostly everyone

What are you trying to analyze from that quiz?