Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

i did yesterday because his mindset re: gutreads and defending his townreads matched pretty consistently. had some concern over a possibility of him tmi’ing zorvo v. i haven’t remembered much from him today but i have read very little except for posts when i am in the thread

VOTE: sufdaddy

come with me to the other side, arctic





Not for the reasons I did at the time. I felt that he was trying to distance from Katze, but after looking into Katze that day. I noticed that Rue was handling the Zorvo situation in a more scummy way. Which made Rue a easily target to push.

Atm though I think both are town, and Heisenberg was most likely trying to shade Ruu and push a wagon for her. That wagon never really happened though and they did not much else before they died.

I could possibly see it the reverse now, and it was attempted scum theatre, but I like Rue’s slot so its more something I worry about in later game if needed.

idk lol

cry and poop and tunnel katze for saying we couldnt be v/v

read some isos

i was reading the gyrlander iso but remembered the thing with memes thinking he was a claimed mason for like, 48 hours when it was clearly a joke

is it stupid to say someone in wolf chat would have told him by that point it was fake? especially because i feel like a mason claim would have been discussed extensively in wolf chat by guillo, especially because gyr also softed kp

i rlly dont like the mindset of “if arctic flips town we should immediately flip town” and vice versa tbh tbh

i dont know what to make of arctic not following my vote

probably overthinking it as it stands

err i said this wrong

i rlly dont like the mindset of “if arctic flips town we should immediately flip katze” and vice versa tbh tbh

obvious bait

you would never sus me

i am slowly becoming less strong in that but i know if i say that arctic will use it to further tunnel me :joy_cat:

i didn’t even see it because i am on mobile looking at isos

one second

your name is one letter off of susdaddy

who are the wolves if me arctic katze are v/v/v, iyo?



dude im ngl i think most or all of the wolves are in your town pile lmao

For reference later

probably vaguely within the pool of ruby/evee/min (like proly 1 wolf here and then maybe 2 if we’re lucky) and then maybe visor/gry/gorta/ghana is a pool that contains the other ones

not a very helpful answer but that’s where i’m at rn