Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

if you think like that I think you’d probably wagon katze or sufdaddy

I am going to get on my soapbox a bit here. People laugh at towns on fol. You know that? Everyone i talked to when i said i was signing up here cited the miserable times town have on this site for one reason or another. Letting shit like this slide might be one of the reasons why. From the bottom of my heart, your contempt for your fellow players and everyone having to watch this truly pisses me off.

You arent special eevee. You either got a town mafia or 3p rolecard like everyone else. All you can do is prove your worth and play with the rest of us. I couldn’t tell you what you are because you haven’t done shit either day to tell me.

We lynched scum yesterday. We are in a good spot today. Honestly i just wanted you to contribute today and i was fine going back to discussing other options but you arent letting me do that with a clear mind. Because eevee knows best. Regardless of your role, you sneer at everyone else who dares approach your throne. You wont do it. We must ping YOU or you wont bother to post.

Your work isn’t at issue here. You have plenty of times to post and contribute. You will not make me feel bad for your choices. Not choosing to post meaningful content when you have the chance is a choice. You will be here for awhile but choose to blame circumstance.

We’re up in the game. Its your choice. You contribute or you die.

Because then, even if you are town, i put the fear of God into every person playing this game that if they are around to contribute and choose not to, there are consequences.

Everyone else, have some fucking pride and dont let eevee break your back solving when no matter what he is he isnt helping you.

VOTE: eevee

I ain’t reading all that.

I’m happy for u tho.

Or sorry that happened.

anyways going to bed now

ciao ciao

So we either chop Arctic, Ruby or policy eevee and give bounty to unknown source.

this game is indeed wack


I consider that bounty post null. What would giving up to 12 players killing eevee something even look like?

Exactly, i fear it could be instead a curse or something very anti-town

Hmm. What are you thinking?

I’d vote eevee if at least i know who placed the bounty, but im not gonna do it blindly

I design bastard games with these kind of roles, disguise curses as prizes, fun stuff!

Extra factional kills, silences, nullying vote power, etc. Fun bastard stuff

Hm. It does say light bastard elements somewhere didnt it.

I consider disguising bad effects as good to be very heavy bastard myself but i dont know this host.

I was more leaning on it just being fake but let me see something.

Achro, you are making shit fest yourself rn.

Pinging is not that hard when I’m working on something.
Like literally… I am focused, I see a ping, I come to discuss. That’s it.
It’s not hard of a thing to do if you want to talk to someone. Yet you prefer to complain.

And reads require me to READ someone. That’s why it’s called reads, yes.

And you want to know what happened on day 1?
When I was returning late from work a girl on electric scooter had a car crash and broke her head. Literally.
I spent most of early night there and… honestly messed up when EoD even is (I thought I still have time).

But if you want to see it, there is article on site of local newspaper about it. (needs google translate)

Yes, that’s why I’m still in this game.
Cause stuff like this do happen.

Or are you going to tell me that I should of just run straight home because you want to “play game”?

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This didnt say this was only for today. Hrm.

Jeez, this was harsh
Like I agree with killing Eevee today because there isn’t enough content for me to townread as opposed to Arctic and Ruby but you did not need to go that hard

And yet all previous efforts were met with what amounts to a shrug.

I try to keep it light these days whenever possible, but no one made him sign up.

You could have just stopped responding lol
It actually makes your argument look better if Eevee stops posting so there wasn’t really a reason to continue provoking them

Bruh stop with this OOG stuff

Im sorry it happened but come on!

Im outta here

Bro they’re explaining why they weren’t on when people were pressuring them for not being on :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

Yah im not used to this, i respect the sanctity on the mafia bubble

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Who are you sheeping on min?