Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Yeah, the issue is that all the “policy lynch eevee” is based on OOG stuff.

It’s a policy lynch, not a lynch because someone thinks I’m scummy.
And… people know I’m usually more active and on-topic.

I’m sorry I cannot be here, it happened.
But like… accept it, instead of trying to say I should ignore real life and focus on game only.

Becouse I’m not going to.
Real life is more important than game. That’s it.

And sorry @Achromatic , maybe you would leave people to die on street, but I’m not you.

Thats nice.

So who did you sheep on min?

I refused to answer this once, I will refuse again.

Your real life circumstances sound brutal. You cant make reads because you have been slammed. No worries, 100% believe you and understood. Sounds horrific.

But this one sentence from you sums up why i am voting for you. I will not engage you further, and either people agree or dont but thats up to them now. Thank you for your time.

You are forcing me to say something I said is -EV to say. Why?

And cool, I get your irony.

Sure, I think you would enjoy pulling all nighters. But again, save it for someone who can still digest it.
It obviously ain’t me at this point.


Gonna iso sufdaddy since I have literally no read on them but they’re the most appealing person out of the people who have any votes


this is a game

take a break, do something else

this mattes zilch in the long run or even the short run

this game has been way too heated and i dont understand why


And on my side just being tired.


I’m sorry for that.
Altho like… I still think Achro went too far, considering he knew not much of what is going on.

sup katterz

(idrk what ur talking about, i assume ur thinking of the org game, but i wouldnt qualify any of that as theatre more than just distancing, iirc the most theatric it got was a small argument with ladd and im p sure most people considered that favorably looking for me on his end much more than on mine? idr)

yes i am absolutely on record saying my wolf game is way better than my towngame and i am also on record saying i do not rly believe my towngame is exceptionally good (i think this game in particular is not one where my strengths are coming into play really, maybe a lil bit but im less confident in anything than usual so im kinda Just Here, i blame retirement)

and i also do not rlythink that mash is a shining example of my wolf game except maybe in like, the later parts of it. in the beginning i had no real intent to play hard

@eevee, nobody is telling you that your real life obligations arent important, but when you sign up for a forum mafia game players will have expectations for you to… contribute to the game

you may be contributing in your own way, i know you arent exactly the Average Mafia Player in how you play, but i don’t think taking it personally is doing anyone any favors if they disagree. people are expecting what they want to see, and you’re not rly doing that rn

this isnt to say that i agree with everything people are saying to you/how they’re saying it, but eh. whatever, im too tired to get into this rn. just, yknow, remember there’s a human on the other side of the characters you type, this goes to everyone, yadda yadda yadda

but i have seen you play mafia before, ive seen you contribute to games in significant manners even in your own ways, i don’t think anyone is wrong to want a bit more out of you

i know you don’t typically answer questions like “who is mafia”, so how about:

  • who do you want to execute today?
  • who do you most not want to execute today?

the more names the merrier, but i just want to get a grip of your view of the game, even if it may be limited due to your irl limitations

as for the eevee bounty, i already went over what i believe the mechanical implications are in this post – tldr being that i dont think its a large mechanical effect regardless of the alignment of the bountier and i am not entirely certain it is even real due to the concept of someone who can place bounties on one of the bigger wagons more than halfway through the day. just seems like an unrealistic role design to me but im willing to ignore that and pretend its real in which case i still am very much doubting its going to be game altering but also we can just ignore it and go back to the scheduled thunderdome or something :wowee:

i think its time we discussed something more useful:

what is the best WW meme?

the katze stupid pasta is my new favourite

okay kataze WALL lmao

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god i feel like ive become a wallposter this game i kinda hate it

u kinda have lol

you were suppsoed to destroy the wallposters, not join them

snapreads on everyone here:

night - i’m just not interested in going here today even tho i’ve started to have some of #TheFear. her perspective has consistently been unique in perspective in a way that feels distinctly uninformed to me, and i still think she’s most likely town when it comes down to it

brad - he seems a bit demotivated in a way that could be indicative of his wolfgame, but i otherwise think he’s pretty towny and i wouldn’t touch him today. his engagement with zack on d1 was towny, his engagement with rue today was towny, his willingness to vote heisenberg made him look mildly good, etc etc

achromatic - he’s been one of the most vocal and active presences in the thread trying to keep things from being stagnant and trying to kick people into gear, and when i pair that with some other stuff (such as his approach to heisen on d1 looking uninformed) i think he is most likely town, even tho i do have some of fear of what his wolfgame would look like

eevee - shrug. i’m going to choose to take everything he has posted today as distinctly non-alignment indicative. i believe that he is busy IRL, but i have no way to determine his alignment when he’s just outright refusing to post content

ghana - i’m pretty bad at reading ghana, and he’s on the lower end of my townreads, but i think i’ve resolved to not be interested in voting for him today for a few primary reasons (ie: artic is calling him an obvious villager and i think it’s likely that artic is either correct or TMI’ing him as town, and me generally liking that ghana is pushing on ruby when i think ruby is kind of scummy too)

gorta - i think the only towny thing in his ISO is him asking katze why she is townreading him so easily. that’s it. the rest of his posts do nothing for me

guava - he has had several moments that feel pure to me (like the defense of heisenberg on d1 and the defense of ruby today) and i think he generally just sounds pure. think it’s possible im townreading him too easily bcuz i have no idea what his range is like, but i wouldn’t touch him today probably

grylander - i think his posts today are pretty bad. there’s not much else i have to say about him

jack - i don’t think he is a shining beacon of towniness, but i do think that heisenberg made several posts about him on d1 that ring like TMI of him being town, and i also think jack has lowkey been one of the more invested/thoughtful solvers in the game today - weighing a lot of different options without coming off as opportunistic and without seeming to worry about boxing himself in by talking about how none of the top wagons feel appealing to him. i see enough sparks of villageryness in this slot that i’m not really interested in going here today

katze - i am bad at reading katze which in turns means that it is difficult for me to comment on katze’s alignment with any level of certainty, but what i will say is that none of the arguments i have seen for her being a wolf are even remotely convincing or good. i think katze has been fine in the sense that i saw sparks of towniness from her throughout d1 (with the way she handled pressure and etc) and i think she has been approaching today in a mildly towny way with the fluidity and paranoia about locking herself into an incorrect push on arctic, and the way she has shown an openness to changing and playing around with her worldview (like switching to a zack push to see if arctic would take the bait, etc). i don’t think that it’s impossible for katze to be a wolf but i’d really rather not go there today, especially in the absence of any good reasons

memes: i get the nagging feeling that i could be letting guilo off too easily, in the sense that all of my reasons to townread him basically boil down to: “the way he has been pushing unique angles in the thread and solving in his own corner of the game feel towny” or “the passion behind his pushes feel towny”, when i think both of those things are easily replicable by wolf!guilo, but shrug. this is another case where i’ve seen enough sparks of villageryness that i wouldn’t really be interested in going here today

min: i think the sassiness in some of his posts and fixation on how other people are reading him occasionally rings a little towny but that’s it. i can’t really name any reasons i should be townreading him

outedwolf: if arctic is wolfing then he looks great for pushing on both heisen and arctic on d1, particularly for pushing on arctic before it became popular to do so. beyond that, i find visor’s posting style kind of inscrutable - he’s made some posts (like some ones toward katze on d1 about whether she was feeling anxious) that i found towny in perspective but his posts today don’t really do much for me in either direction. i would not be interested in voting for visor today and think he could be a villager, but not feeling all that strongly about him in general

phraze - i think it’s possible that she is being cleared too easily for nebulous reasons, but i can at least say that i don’t find her actively wolfy. a possible candidate for an under the radar wolf that ppl are underestimating but i think she’s fine for today at least

ruby - i think her posts today are pretty rough - feels like she’s struggling to get her head in the game and forcing reads that don’t feel entirely natural in proportion to the amount of time she has spent thinking about the game (ie: the push on ghana). if she’s maf i think she might have TMI’d katze as a villager too. i think she is mildly wolfy

rue - i think she;s been one of the more thoughtful and introspective solvers in the thread today, i like that she’s pulling at different and unpopular angles, i liked her reaction to her read on brad being discredited by sabi, etc etc. there’s nothing in rue’s ISO that is unfakeable by a good wolf but i’ve gotten enough townpings from her that i think she’s fine

sadbi - i think she is an obvious villager

spf - she’s gay and mafia

sufdaddy - typing out the name “sufdaddy” and not “zack” caused me psychic damage. similar to visor, if arctic is mafia, then i think zack looks great. beyond that, i find it hard to have a strong impression of zack’s posts beyond feeling that they aren’t actively wolfy. i am skimming through his ISO while writing this and there is almost nothing that stands out to me as alignment indicative. if i have the motivation then i will take a closer look at his ISO to get a more developed read but honestly, idk

zorvo: posts today aren’t as good as they were on d1 but i wouldn’t go after him for a number of reasons. gth i think he’s lean town

arctic - i think his arguments for katze being mafia are bad, i think the way he played d1 was bad in a way that felt explicitly wolf motivated, i think his general unwillingness to re-evaluate his perspective today is wolfy (especially in contrast with how katze has appeared much more open-minded about him than the other way around), but there’s still part of me that is worried he’s town who just locked himself into a tunnel on katze for a bad reason and is folding under pressure and struggling to project towniness. i would probably still kill him in the near future but i can’t say i feel as confident about it as some others in this game do

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that is hopefully the most amount of words i will EVER write on this site


i think we should ignore the bounty, decide who to kill independent of it

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i also really phoned in the last few names because i was getting tired of typing words lol

i just needed to make that post bcuz i was feeling a bit lost/disconnected and wanted to get my head back in the game

open to any thoughts on who i might be misreading/questions/etc/etc


VOTE: ruby

she should probably die today

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