Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

tldr: fol died and the old site is archived but it’s not very pleasant to read through

katze (3): min, SaulGoodman, Zorvo

hally/zack were voting me earlier as well, zacks was fine i just disagreed w. perspective and i disliked hallys for reasons i explained earlier

honestly of the three remaining votes i only think zorvos is bad, i think mins probs a villager for theirs and arctics reasoning checks out as well

How do I iso or use this site wtf

you dont

the archival was pretty rushed because the site dying happened kinda suddenly, so the archive kinda sux to read through unfortunately

get a willing/unwilling sacrifice, take them to the summoning chamber and then spill their blood on the ritual circle in a Z pattern. This will give you all knowledge contained on the website

(you cannot ISO)

how was i being unfair, what

it wasnt really a conclusion at all

Oh. I guess I will take yalls word about his performance that game


Can I sacrifice Arctic?

please do

hally larping as ladd ic

I read like 20 posts now and not really. I was probably just in a different anon mindset tbh. Once i know people better the vibe changes. Katze copy pasta a+ though.

If you have any questions for me let me know but trying to stay focused and dont want to have a fluffy side conversation!

i feel like if you rand village really you’re always larping as ladd

Fluff fluff fluff

dno i think achros iso at that point was fairly self explanatory

but feel like im misreading your intent based off this reply

ur right and u should say it

I’m not pushing him. I’m complaining that his posting style, as well as others’, has made the thread difficult for me to engage with. That’s all.

All iso should have the right balance of fluff and content otherwise isoing is dull

Oh not unfair at all.

Tell me more about my posts. Please.

do u have a read on him, gth?

Ask me again in two hours.