Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Fiiiiine. I’m trying to be more solvey this D1

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i dont really know why you think this because in basically every single game you’ve seen me I post far worse under pressure as a villager than as a wolf unless this is some sort of double bluff thing

I have heartburn ama

all my reads are memes unless they end up being right

are u ghana? i wasnt really factoring meta into the read at all

Towniest post of the game.

Literally catching up, mostly skimming, but it’s a lot of fluff up to THIS point so I’m just going to exist.

also I literally did nothing but shitpost, dip at random times, and give takes whenever I thought of them while backreading and I didn’t really engage with thread except with geyde because he’s funny

I don’t think that’s really trying to fit in


my main concern is that it feels like a very canned response to look like you’re putting more thought into a read than you actually have

Hally probably town for the approach to Seth with the whole “Just vig him and focus on others in the game” and I saw her read on me earlier I’ll just accept them being town.

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So what real vibes do you have so far?

How do you feel about Kat?

How do you feel about memes?

was this to me?

its just very different than what i expected, my impression of you is more of a beat your chest villager who goes aggro, not whatever this is

not sure if it necessarily means anyting, i just wanted it noted on the record

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Thoughts on katze and meemes? Uwu

i don’t know why but the italics in this post weirds me out

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i mean, making a lot of shitposts and silly posts while occasionally outing reads that looked half-serious (ie: the early defense of sabi) felt like the pretty stereotypical picture of a wolf trying to blend in with the casual vibes of the thread to me

ur posts were pretty non-descript and pretty easy to miss in the chaos of what was going on, which is specifically what im looking for if im trying to find a wolf who is “blending in” and trying to look cool and casual

i do find ur response to me right now kind of towny but maybe im easily influenced

Brad I need more so I can find you so I can bounce my reads off you. I have no one here that I can do this with in this game


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It’s warm in here. Not going outside to where it’s cold.

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Hally plz

kuti plz