Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

i feel like heisenberg’s posts about both the seth stuff and the katze stuff give off the impression of somebody trying to make it look like theyre thinking about the game without actually thinking about the game

he does a lot of hemming and hawing but hasnt posted any actual thought processes that show evidence that he is putting thought into the game. seems surface-level and like he wants to ~look~ towny

i also didnt like him randomly going “i agree with zack about X” but that’s a lesser point

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Okay. I figured it was something like that.

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Slight town pings but he’s not been full achro ego posting yet (I say this with love achro and not as an insult) so I can’t commit to a read yet. He mentioned wanting to have D1 be laid back so I guess I have to wait for D2 achro wallpost time

i dont feel like isoing but your posts where you started giving various v leans to people (and a w lean on zack iirc) just felt like you were kinda fucking around

i certainly didnt get the impression you were serious

so when you say that those posts were actually serious and that your reads to align there to me it just seems… weird?

like you’ve doubled down on them almost

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i guess they do sound sort of similar

when i try to pronounce rue with that vowel it sounds like the end of “kangaroo”
i guess i pronounce rue like, halfway between that and “ryu?”
now that im actually trying to say it i dont really remember how i normally say it without stress

itll definitely come back to me because im playing with her though

@spf @Hally @Outedwolf @sufdaddy @Sadbi

Thoughts on Jackrito?

also this post feels slimy lol

Pinging entire squad + SPF.

Feeling powerful right now.

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In my sign up i mentioned wanting to post a lot less for reasons that i cant get into. But i will be posting more than i said there just because the game is hustling and bustling.

their posts seemed tonally awkward but i figured it might just be a personality thing

i have no real thoughts on them

Will this be the fol game that Brad doesn’t slank in :eyes:

correction: he was apparently referring to “jack” and not “zack” but same difference

legit have no memory of their posts

i think i did see one or two earlier but was nai

And your action should not have worked. Passives are not phase exclusive.

Oh I know, I read the sign up thread

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I gotta give you my TR too… Fwens :pleading_face:

Who? (going to look them up)

it bothers me that guillo is acting like he can conclusively determine how mechanics MUST work on day 1 of a big ole role madness game with advertized light bastard/experimental elements

just seems disingenuous and used to further an agenda

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im not gonna lie i thought this post from jack was pretty towny lol

im indifferent about the rest of his posts

Jackrito is town or im bad at mafia.