Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2


like achro, do you seriously think me posting townread me daddy uwu is villagery?

your switch of me from v to w to v again just felt like an obv joke

social anxiety
its hard for me to open up to other wolves and talk anything other than
which i honestly kinda hate

masons/neighbourhoods are theraputic for me when i have the opportunity to choose to hood/mason with someone i know decently well
the mafia game is less overwhelming and i can process it in a less overwhelming way
unlike in wolfchat which
doesnt exactly help in that regard

the way he’s posting almost seems like a 3P or something to me

like there is no way those reads are real but he’s acting like they are

can everyone vote heisenberg with me pls he’s mafia

imagine being neurotypical

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VOTE: Heisenberg

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I host games more than i play them snd they are hardcore bastard, ascetic is a wolf role and it is designed to prevent actions other than killing at DAY and NIGHT.

im awaiting the 10 page dissertation about why im wrong ACTUALLY


Well what is serious? What criteria is met to go grr. I am not hyper focused but behind my smile i am always thinking.

Also i couldnt have doubled down on them if since that post i switched to zorvo. It isnt meant to be a double down rather correcting your mistake in thinking they were jokes.

Let me say this. What does my town read on you matter right now? Nothing. It is air. A figment. It can change at any time. Its not real. What is real though is how people react to it.

Memes went wtf and started wall posting for zorvo. I liked that. V read for memes w read for zorvo.

It only benefits me to make small decisions and to watch them grow. Not every mafia game needs be scary to be effective, and i think sometimes people forget that.

Do you have any actual objections to any of my reads or are you not used to quiet confidence coming from people? Feeling quieter this game, but a lion still has claws.

damn im a soul reader


who cares, you are not the host?

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Memes is Guillo?

im kinda internally screaming because i agree with this but also agree with the conclusion of what guillo is saying lmao

also i feel like ur kinda scumreading him for… being him

but i also read his posts knowing him and think hes also kinda wolfy too



VOTE: Zorvo

but i support the pressure

no disrespect to guilo but i feel like this sums up how he tends to play as either alignment - he gets very confident and aggressive about his pushes as maf and town and i dont think that his play this game is 3p indicative at all

i had zero recollection of his posts so i just iso’d him and idrk still

his posts seem to exclusively be talking about the zorvo stuff which doesn’t really tell me much

also i iso’d geydsenberg and i agree with spf’s take, don’t like his posts


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I care and evidently you care because yiu just hinted a sus based on it.

are you on an elevator

cause this is wrong on so many levels


that post was about achro