Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

wind if i survive tonight i am 100% being turboed tomorrow and there is no way a village lets me survive that without being complete :joy_cat:s (derogatory)

OK doks.

Iā€™m 100% confident min is a villager, therefore itā€™s mechanically better to vote me, yes
Cause in a v/v dome itā€™s always better to vote the person getting gladiated
Plus Iā€™ve been PoE apparently the entire game because lol eevee, and I donā€™t think min has, so you also need to prioritize resolving my slot.

Yeah I know, thatā€™s why I suddenly had second thoughts after posting that because wolf!you setting anything up at all doesnā€™t really help in the long run lol

Inviting Brad to JK tonight.

Brad dies.

Everyone blames me because 3/4 people have died in my private chat.

Katze survives the bleed.

I get turboed and not katze


I didnā€™t entirely understand how that role worked or where it went tbh
And I think Rue is town
But maybe the ability could be stolen by wolves? Which could explain both why it disappeared and why we have a mole in the hood.

Peak gaming

Katze taking notes for wolf chat


So do we think town kp murked phraze

Because why would mafia kill lhf poe

I havenā€™t seen anything in the chat since Night died, and the messages I received beforehand werenā€™t labeled.

Not enough talk about phraze death tbh

im basically playing as if im always dying tonight ā€“ id prefer the day is not ended super early so i can leave a ā€œlegacyā€ if i wish but i am not sure if i will because i am lazy.

i acknowledge thereā€™s a nonzero chance that the bleed is fake, in which case tough shit for me but i was gonna get executed anyway without it so it doesnt change that much

some of my posts will probably come off as opportunistic because i am basically spurting out incomplete thoughts without a care of how im perceived because i expect it to matter not

i dont think resolving you over min is ā€œcorrectā€ on the lines that youā€™ve been PoEd longer, but we disagree on a large part of why i have serious min doubts rn so i reckon its best we just agree to disagree and move on from that

althoughā€¦ my memory isnt doing me many favors rn, @min can you throw me some games where youā€™ve had ā€œbadā€ mech play as a villager? i can only think of a few games where i remember ur mech play and none of it was bad, but the sample size is small and none of it is similar to this

nonetheless, yeah, from a v!you pov i get why youā€™d maybe think my read on you rn is TMI, all i can rly say is that me/ghana/night basically all had identical reads on you yesterday (iirc ghana lightened up on you closer to EoD, night didnt, so i have COVER) and two of them are flipped villas :stuck_out_tongue:

this game does kinda feel weird to me tho. i do think the most likely cse rn is that the dome is v/v, and that sucks pretty badly. and if it is v/v then it is ā€œcorrectā€ for us to kill you

theres a bit of an optimistic side of me thinking ā€œoh this is obviously w/w, theres no way wind doesnt see why the dome is problematicā€ butā€¦ whatever, if you flip wolf then i think it doesnt need to be said that min needs to be looked at tomorrow.

when i sit back and look at it i do think if min is a wolf that this wasnā€™t fully planned in wolf chat, because i think the bad looking parts were kinda obviously-bad-looking in a way that i think wolves would be aware of it and not do it

which i guess does give min a bit of credence because i do think its overwhelmingly likely that if he is a wolf this was somewhat calculated

but meh. where do i look for wolves then? if visor is a villager then zack should be a villager too, if visor is a wolf then zackā€¦ might be a wolf? i can see both worlds. atm i think if visor flipped W id kill zack before endgame but vaguely expect a V flip. which i guess inherently does come out to me thinking that zack is probably a villager. which means my PoE yesterday probably sucked. maybe theyā€™re just two bros going hard powerwolfing. i dunno.

i still think achro is a villager fairly strongly, if the above grouping is v/v tho id squint there quite a bit. maybe. i dont actually know. ill never be alive for this so i donā€™t think i will know. sucks.

i think if youā€™re a villager that you should seriously be considering jackrito as a wolf, but i have no idea whats going on in hood chat. very possible that hes actually a villager and its obvious in there, but i kinda doubt it

rue is still some1 i have no clue why people scumread. i think shes independently incredibly villagery and is probably flat out out of their wolf range, ngl. sheā€™ll probably disagree with that bit, i might be wrong on it even, but i think very strongly that shes a villager

guava i think is a villager who will probably be MLed justifiably this game, their choice of players to defend is objectively p bad and outside of ~purity~ and a few other questionable reads theres not much to go by. i think it flips V still.

gorta is also probably a villager who will also probably be MLed this game because he is gorta. im not gonna give it the 100% lock V read, but ghana did it for me, and i dont think hes far off

uhhhh, sabi should also just be a villager but ig reevaluate that one if theyre alive too long

who am i missing

brad is borderline mech v and also villagery anyway. ignore this read until i flip, look at how my role works and figure it out for yourself how u feel there but i think its basically a greencheck

gyrlander i still have no good reasons to V read i tihnk idk

memes has some extremely questionable posting today

zorvo is zorvo please do not make me talk about zorvo

i guess this turned into my legacy post


ftr the above post is mostly directed to wind but also turned into me thoughtdumping so it is not organized

gn(for real)

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I will have to disagree because GGhana wanted wind dead asap today because he thought wolf.

Like literally thereā€™s 7 mentions and reminders to kill wind.

well then my progression on her is the same as two flipped villagers yesterday and im lightening up today

meanwhile min has opposite progression

min is outed


His posts have felt towny in hood chat-
And I believe, between Brad and Jack, Jack was the last one to sort of come around on my slot so I donā€™t think itā€™s ever felt like heā€™s tried to pocket me.

I know I could just be wrong because I donā€™t have any meta on him at all (hence why I was so quick to dome him at SoD - since Brad told us in hood chat that thereā€™s a mole and that we should be ready to dome each other). But Iā€™ve had the nagging suspicion this entire time that there would be an eavesdropper or at the very least a wolf mechanic allowing wolves some sort of benefit (like gaining a strongman, anticlaim, rolecop) for things said in private chats - for example, ā€œfor every villager who true claims their role in a private chat, gain one use of X abilityā€. I know this is heavy mech speculation but something like that wouldnā€™t surprise me, and I mentioned it as well in the hood (but Jack and Brad had already claimed their roles before I subbed in, and eevee had partially claimed without claiming the exact role).

Brad has been super ultra villagery in hood chat. If you want proof, look at my reasoning on him yesterday. I said his ISO felt entirely within his town meta and he didnā€™t sound dead inside. I only skimmed maybe half of his ISO, to be completely honest, but I read the entirety of the hood chat and interacted in real time with him and Iā€™m very confident heā€™s town.

Iā€™m sure someone mustā€™ve noticed I had Brad as my top town, Jack also as town, and Ruby as top scum yesterday after subbing in and doing basically nothing - itā€™s because of the hood, sorry. I kept a lot of my commentary out of the thread because my goal was to set up to cover for Brad if I felt it was necessary, and to breadcrumb the hood chat if any of us needed to point back to it.

I wonā€™t make you talk about Zorvo but I think the way you handled him in the first game thread is extremely wolfy. I gave my reasons for thinking this last night in hood chat, havenā€™t detailed them here, maybe Iā€™ll get to it eventually but I feel like casing you is beating a dead horse so I probably wonā€™t bother :wowee:

join the club

definitely beating a dead horse andā€¦ whatever, i stand by basically all of it

im still not 100% convinced he didnt literally perspective slip early d1 and then justify it by saying it was a joke cuz thats the wolfiest justification possible

but im not fighting the zorvo battle anymore

i love the moment when black dow muses on how he could have had a different life as a simple carpenter(?), it was a nice payoff for all the little hints weā€™ve gotten throughout the books that Dow is not as bad a dude as his reputation but basically acts like a mean bastard (and has done some bad shit too to be clear) cuz the north is a fucking horrible place lol. He was the harshest on logen and never tolerated his bullshit too, genuienly despised him for all the awful butchery he caused.

calder being a likeable character in this book after his appearance in the first law trilogy was a big shock lol, very satisfying to see him stick it to bayaz a bit (despite how it turns out)

great book

iā€™m sure he would make that exact comment as any alignment