Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Cause we didn’t claim the role for obv reasons

Well actually, only one target died because we only had the jailor for one night before she got bussed

But jailing anonymously and killing was the plan :sweat_smile:

I have an anonymous discord account

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@Memes no one knew I was in a chat with Hally.

Why would I out about my chat with her? Why would I get it confirmed that I was in a chat with her by telling who she sent gifs to and what they were?

If i was going to kill her why would I make myself the prime suspect. Would I not distance myself from her death?

Use some critical thinking


I think Sadbi is still just a villager here.


Is it possible Sadbi is a neutral role?

Maybe it was for balancing reasons but it feels weird for a town!jailor to not be able to kill at night

Maybe like a “when you jail a witch and a town player, you win the game.”

But also main post doesn’t mention anything about neutrals so :man_shrugging:t2: just a thought

Or if it did I’m blind lol

@WindwardAway hello wind

Have you made a legacy? While I still do think you flip scum I would appreciate if you made a legacy for people to listen to if you town

I already gave my reads, yeah

But rn I think my reads are kind of fucked so I’m misclearing someone

I think you’re town
Brad is town
I still think Jack is also town and wolves have a rolecop or Brad’s claim somehow, but if there’s a mole in our hood that’s the only possibility I would even consider
I think katze is a wolf
I think Achro is mostly towny but would have to reconsider him if katze flips wolf (but realistically I could see a pocket being a thing)
I think Zack is town and by proxy also Visor, but I think Visor actually felt decent when I talked with him earlier
Gyrlander I also think is town
And I still think Sabi is town, meaning I am not sure anymore about Memes

…so yeah, you see the problem with my reads? They’re not very useful.

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Oh also I ISO’d Gorta and think he’s town
I gave reasons for thinking Zorvo was town yesterday
I think my reasons for thinking Zorvo is town are better than my reasons for thinking Gorta is town

I’m sorry I know this just looks like antispew because i can’t come up with reasons to scumread people other than kat which is bad and wrong

I mean, I think she’s a wolf, but only having one scumread isn’t gonna cut it

He’s not capable of doing that.

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I think it’s basically just a temporary neighborizer with a cool bluff mechanic
I wouldn’t read much into it in terms of being AI unless we suddenly have a bunch of town neighborizer claims in which case I’d be concerned lol

Oh yeah I don’t particularly think guava is town but I haven’t really iso’d him
I just think his earlier posts about wanting out of the game were kinda scummy

My PoE is too narrow so I’m wrong somewhere and also possibly missing a wolf

There’s nothing in the OP about neutrals
It doesn’t say they don’t exist, but it also doesn’t say that they do

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