Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7


why not

what is this stemming from?

i mean
id have to also compare how aret treated you to how arc treated you to compare/contrast them
because having the same reaction to different stimuli doesnt mean its necessarily natural
on the other hand
thats so much work im shaking already

I spent like 12 hours off and on talking to her about a wide range of game subjects. One on One I always bet on me to be able to read someoneā€™s alignment which is why I thought my role was neat. She had good answers to all my questions.

Also Ruby has packed it up already tbh

The fact that you have randomly determined her to be your bestie is incredibly disturbing. This is one of the few things that I donā€™t like about you this game. Katze was a very good candidate for getting for getting lynched both previous days, and now sheā€™s randomly become intouchable? What the fuck is this?

what is concerning about this

what do you think achros agenda here is

Well you see I suspected her, then I town read her, then I town read her some more, then I had an intense overnight chat with her on a wide variety of subjects that was almost exclusively genuine sounding so I town read her some more.

I have said that I wonā€™t shield her today, but if you ask Iā€™ll answer.

why did you townread her on day 2 i forgor :skull:


this is a much easier to answer question and more helpful than ā€œare you pocketedā€

how paired did visor and achro seem in the neighbourhood

was there any obvious dissonance or resonance between the two

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I wouldnā€™t believe one on one conversations much. I feel like you can be easily persuaded in them and you canā€™t get anyone else to give their opinions.

mm thats fair and to save you some work:

their treatment of me was similar but also pretty different, arctic blindly decided i Must Be A Wolf and arete basically called me a villager and never reconsidered it much

the similarity in my mind was that both had a conclusion and struggled to ever deviate from it, in aretes case when the thread became more and more anti-me they never really considered the thread to be right and cited (in hindsight, really bad) nebulous reasons as to why

in arctics he decided i was a wolf like halfway into D1 and never tried to reconsider it, he himself admitted that my thunderdome post to him was the first post that made him reconsider it

whereas in both cases i was uncertain and it wasnt until right before i wrote the big wall that i drew the similarities between the two events, where im in a psuedo-thunderdome with someone who has a predetermined conclusion on my alignment and refuses to budge while i am hedging my fucking mind off because the person ā€œdomingā€ me (in aretes case they didnt dome me, the thread had forced it by declaring me/arete w/v for several phases) isnā€™t

if you donā€™t want to read the game then i dont think you should, ive made it fairly clear i do think i should still be executed eventually and even if you read it and decide i am a villager off of it then me being alive near lylo just leaves me to be lylo tinfoil

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Her individual clashes with Min and Arctic and how she chose to engage with them reminded me of how I talk to people when I feel as if they are suspecting me for bullshit reasons.

Oh, I havenā€™t gotten so far as saying that Achro has an agenda. I just donā€™t like the fact that she really townreads a player that I donā€™t, and the fact that she has a lot of power in this game.

do you not also clash at people when they suspect you for bullshit reasons as a wolf

Thatā€™s you, I have sussed out several wolves in 1 on 1 chats and itā€™s now a meme on my home site that achro doesnā€™t get invited to private time to try to pocket him.

Itā€™s different tbh.

can you go into more detail


basically my question was what do you think he was trying to do if heā€™s a wolf

ill keep that in mind and maybe try to read the game

is it bad that the fact youve done this before only leads me to think ā€œthis is fakeableā€ and not ā€œthis is villageryā€