Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Katze is thinking of taking you out. Are you wolfin’?

I’m town

Idc if katze wants me out, I already saw her post that in the thread


This isn’t what you promised

But you’re not gonna get much out of me until way later in the day because I’m on vacation and about to travel back home

Oh cool. Hope vacation was cool in all seriousness and tbh your slot was mostly one big null so I am not in a rush.

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If he’s a wolf he’s basically powerwolfing the heck out of this game and we can consider it over.

So if you feel like wagoning me for not being around or having any idea what was going on with previous days, fine, that’s your loss (or katze’s)
And katze likes to claim she can read me very well so you should sheep her : P

Town is in a great position tbh there’s no need to doomer it up. Unless I am wrong about Ruby. Then you can be a ltitle doomer.

Outside of me what do you think are angles of attack that aren’t being discussed enough? You have a unique mindset and I am kind of vibing now. Let’s talk it out instead of being doom and gloom.

Yeah I mean as I said earlier
easier for me to solve if I’ve subbed into a poe slot tbh
I just have a lot of work to do cause I iso’d eevee and it looks like he mostly just complained about not being around and then people scumread him for not being around
Which tbf is a bit of a dumb reason to scumread but it’s also perfectly valid to poe

I do have stuff to say but there’s no point in throwing half-baked shit into the thread if I’m not around to actually elaborate on it
so I’m saving it for when I have time to thoughtdump after doing a little more digging
Prepare yourselves

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Anyway, be back with questions later!

I’m too tired to read. What has happened

And comments

And concerns

Just discussing the PoE, if you are too tired to read just rest up tbh.

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Good night lol

Vote Count

Ruby (6): GaulSoodman, Achromatic, min, Sadbi, Zorvo, Jackrito
min (1): Rue
katze (1): Memes

Not Voting (11): BradLand, Gorta, guavagudetama, katze, nightingale, Outedwolf, Phraze, Ruby, sufdaddy, WindwardAway, Gyrlander

tbh idk what iso you were reading if you didnt remember ANY of this

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