Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

That true but it just means I can be wrong, doesn’t mean I am wrong on this read.

Maybe I’ll make a case on Rue when need be and you can give your take about it.

Oh… maybe it was ruby then but i forgot already

I’m talking with you about it.

I think that doesn’t mean they are wolves with Katze.

Where were you?

you said pre flip them wolf and look at their interactions with katze

you did not say “agree with me”

if you wanted that you should have said it

Apologies got busy

No literally that’s what it felt like :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I changed how I typed because I was in a laptop and not phone posting

You must know (in case you dont) that I got memory health problems, not gonna give you the specifics cause that is personal to me but yah. It is why i post out loud my thoughts here to later ISO myself.

I don’t think @sufdaddy is wolf.

He might have me pocketed because of sufjan

But yea

I’m not hard shielding him.

Or even soft.




Eh, I still disagree but meh idk.

What’s your read on Rue?

Should Memes go down a bit in my reads?

Idk just vibes.

I am having weak reads this game.

Man I gotta stop over doing myself especially on Rue.
Even if they are wolf people are just not going to care or look at me from how hard I’m going on and on about it.

It’s… i can’t explain it, like we agree on a lot of things but I have not seen her displaying paranoia of me, like what if i was a wolf pocketing her, she is just letting me.

I love to think that we are in sync but what if she is a wolf letting me look associated with her you know?

And also that EoD2…something feels off about that cause ive never seen Mystix not having a clear mind on who to vote at EoD.


i am also having Doubts on zack so was just curious why you had them as well

Self improvement is hard man