Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

that’s the problem, muh LHF wolf PoE doesn’t make sense when you consider what Heisenberg did on d1, there is literally likely other strong wolves in play

because dead townies can never be wrong, sometimes wolves will kill someone who is very much wrong to make themselves look better

I dont feel as good about you as katze does but i cant sort you if you are tilted for valid reasons lol

What’s Katze reading her as?

Confidently v

I remember SPF townread Rue so I’ve kinda marked her off my POE for a good while because bad things happen when I go opposite her reads.

[heisenberg was largely a nothing slot to me d1]
[i didn’t vote the wagon because i didn’t care enough to]
[i think starting the counter on kat was +ev]
[regardless of kat’s alignment]

[also i shut down the outedwolf wagon]
[when outedwolf/heisen were wagons]
[so there’s that too if you care]

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Nothing Villagery in their wolf game and I feel their reaction to me in purgatory was very good compared to their wolf game.

In purgatory there was thoughts from a Town POV that I could get behind from her.
She didn’t have any of that in the wolf game or here but you know what, I’ll go ISO Rue here and just check to make sureZ

Yeah but no one’s perfect. I am not calling for her head or anything but best to keep your head on a bit of a swivel imo

Let’s say OutedWolf flips wolf, how is your position now?

[in what sense]

Fair enough.

what do you mean largely a nothing slot?

[i didn’t have a read on the slot]
[his posts did nothing for me]
[so i didn’t really care about him]

i was about as okay as i projected
im less okay now but because insomnia stuff

[take care of yourself]
[or i’ll do it for you :green_heart:]


Insomnia sucks. Feel better


Anyway so about zorvo and scum equity. I look at that wide net poe and immediately think of like half the list that are very unlikely to be wolves with zorvo and its like ‘yeah zorvo probably is fine’

Thus the power of building poes and then actively solving within them.

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What was your reason on voting Min again when you hopped in today?

[why do you care about the answer to this question]
[answer it honestly then i’ll answer]