Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Would’ve been funnier if you told him to answer it correctly, then you’ll answer.

That’ll teach him.

If you can’t tell, I’m not in much a mood for humor right now.

Just trying to lighten the mood and game.


You voted the wagon twice.

Well i am.

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[at eod specifically]

To answer the question, it was because I had previously asked Min if he thought there had to be a wolf between katze and Arctic, and he said he did. When he came into today trying to bury Ruby and defending katze, it sent off alarms for me.

Like so like them being a wolf means you remove a wagon that was also a wolf wagon.

What do you think of him offering up spf’s power to someone?

I’d rather confirm its existence before making a judgement on it. I also don’t know how to feel about the fact that no one seems to have received anything such as that previously.

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It helps me figure out if I’m wrong on you based on what you say and how you were to think as a villager.

[i don’t think you know how i think as a villager]

Wait Rue did I make you feel like that?
Sorry Rue. :cry:

kill ruby to make the game run as long as possible

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[i’m leaving thread again]
[for real this time]
[good night]

The second time

[this is a more effective defense of me than anything]

Ok so the purpose of that vote in the long run was……

*Looks at the amount of players still alive. *


Bro we are murdering ruby today every other vote is a ‘for the record’ vote lol