Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Considering Night is poisoned, meaning probably someone visited her, isn’t that super bad for Ruby? Like she probably had to trueclaim her target in case she was being tracked, but Night being poisoned when Ruby claims to have been on her is pretty terrible.

Probably doesn’t help if I tell you my slot is town, but it is lol
I still need to look into the eevee wagon cause I saw it when ISOing him to see what I’d missed

eh not really she’s pretty clearly dead meat

i don’t see why she’d bother telling the truth about visiting night if she poisoned her

Because she’d know she was gonna die today anyway, and her partners probably decided they’d just bus her idk

I’m almost done with a heisenberg iso but the forum crashed on me so I have to pick up where I left off
Thoughts coming soon

Heisenberg spew

#618 - Sounds like he’s trying to pocket Jack
#672 - Doesn’t sound partnered with min, maybe another pocket attempt
#765 - Doesn’t sound like he’s partnered with Memes, sounds like he genuinely doesn’t want to read their posts
#836 - Weird post on katze/Zorvo
#854 is a followup to #577 and doesn’t seem like the world’s most urgent question tbh
#2608 - Geyde says he townreads Jack, min and GGhana so that kind of reinforces my idea he could’ve been pocket attempting of the former two; not sure what to think of his Rue stuff.
#2884 - Geyde engages with SPF on why he thinks Jack is town; Geyde says he thinks Jack’s pov comes from a village mindset but kind of backpedals and says it’s not a townread (despite never saying that any of Jack’s posts have come across as scummy thus far). It’s plausible he says this about a partner, but the fact that he holds off on calling it a townread sounds more like he’s trying not to clear a villager too easily.
#2907 and #2913 talk about Seth’s claim and that it’s very non-town and probably a 3p or wolf. I get the sense Geyde is probably trying to dig up a reason to push Seth, idk if he’s one of the people who really likes hellbussing Seth when teamed, but I’d hazard a guess that Seth is either town or 3p, not a wolf (because I think Geyde might have been 3p hunting).
#2951 - I dont think Geyde has ever addressed Achro before this point. Maybe it’s nothing, since there are a lot of players, but it’s just something to note. In #2995 he questions if Achro ever responded to his post. >rand to be unpartnered imo because I don’t think you suddenly tag a partner whom you haven’t spoken to in the thread before, ask for thoughts, then complain that they didn’t respond to your question. You could just ping them in scumchat and tell them to answer.
#2970 - Looking at Arctic’s post here, I think plausibly what he saw in Geyde’s posts about Seth is similar to what I saw, and it still fits in with the idea that Seth is probably not a wolf but that Geyde might be 3p hunting. And yeah, I know I should find something better to do than accuse a dead wolf of 3p hunting, but it would totally happen in an astand game regardless of whether there are actual 3ps or not, because I remember in Umineko 2 that I, as a wolf, was very convinced there was a 3p because there was a series of red herrings pointing to the existence of a 3p when it turned out that all of them were town or even fancy vanilla town (firefighter with no arsonist, plague doctor when the plague spreader was a fruit vendor, you get the point).

tl;dr - Jack, min, maybe GGhana likely town (I think GGhana is town for other reasons anyway); couldn’t really get anything solid on Rue; Seth probably not a wolf; Achro probably town.

Sorry for the crappy formatting and lack of quotes, I’m doing this from my phone lol.

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Basically what I get from this is that Geyde probably just avoided putting a read on his partners. He only gave light takes on people’s posts rather than overall alignment reads, leaving the floor open to retract town points and push them later if he was presented the opportunity.

He did it with min and also GGhana talking about their audacity (min’s emotional investment and GGhana coming down hard), and went straight for going “well I like Jack’s posts but I don’t townread him”

Which tbh I can’t imagine he says about a partner
You’d wanna slap an easy townread there unless you’re setting up super early to bus later on, which is probably not the first thought he has as a wolf

Gm what did I miss

And especially not since Jack says he’s better as a wolf than as town (yes I read Jack’s ISO)

Me talking to myself

Ok I gotta bring the suitcases in and unpack
Feel free to tag me if you want to discuss anything I said
Or just yell at me if I’m beating a dead horse and said stuff that other people said earlier in the half of the thread that I didn’t read

Vote Count

Ruby (7): min, Zorvo, Jackrito, Gyrlander, Achromatic, BradLand, Rue
katze (1): Memes
guavagudetama (1): guavagudetama
GaulSoodman (1): GaulSoodman
Sadbi (1): Sadbi
Achromatic (1): sufdaddy

Not Voting (7): Gorta, nightingale, Outedwolf, Phraze, Ruby, WindwardAway, katze

Three people are voting themselves wtf
Peak fol

Ok bye for now

No quick. Hammer

Hammer is ten no?

what’s your opinion of Jack then

I’m curious what you think of memes as well

Tinfoil: GGhana is power wolfing