Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7


yeah duh haven’t you checked wolfchat

Damn, you figured me out.

But again and now more than ever since you said you dont always agree with my thoughts, what are some of the posts you do agree, or like?

VOTE: GaulSoodman

This post reeks of TMI

How do you figure this?

look at the playerlist

Who are these many other loud town players GGhana?



achro as well

Why are you certain that Sadbi and Achromatic are town?

these are the players i could reasonably expect to be able to powerwolf

night (who is poisoned)
you (I am having this discussion assuming you are town because otherwise what’s the point)

these are all players who I think have good enough wolf games to be able to have a long term cohesive plan

do you see my point now

sadbi is extremely polarized

last game I had with them they posted like a deflated balloon when they rand wolf and they always have an extreme high amount of energy as a villager which they’ve displayed here

achro I’ve explained in this paragraph

achro: doesn’t trust heisenberg case, changes mind for unspecified reasons to save katze and also because he trusts Eliza? Gives very weak reasoning for saving katze. Has a neighbourhood with katze. Had little memory of when they sheeped SPF. Initially was combative towards SPF’s case. I also think that if achro is a wolf that he seemed too happy if ruby is a wolf (seemed to be the only person having fun on day 2). Initially was in conflict with Katze before running off with them into the sunset because they related to how they were being treated by thread. Overall there’s enough weirdness here and contradictions that I think this is likely a villager

it’s a bit word salad-y but I went into more detail when I talked with zack about it so I can quote it if you want

Ok. Do you have definite meta to proof that the others not listed are not capable powerwolves?

the others have had very little impact overall on the game state imo or i have definite meta where I know they are very polarized

the only exception to this is rue who imo is a pretty good wolf but they’re not very powerwolfy imo

Didnt know Achro/Katze have a neighborhood, where did they claim this?

And yes please if you dont mind, i know asking you to repeat yourself is annoying but i dont want to miss out.


this is where katze talks about the chat between her and achro last night



It;s just when you said “many town loud players” … then you listed you, sadbi, achro… which are not many if all are town seems like exaggeration to shut down Gorta’s read and ive seen you shutting down people’s reads under the facade of keeping the game for spiring into chaos.

You want to work as a collective when you are clearly trying to establish yourself as the main power who approves or disapproves he should be pushed, that is not a collective approach, that is a dictatorship.

I dont want to see you shutting down people no more because that is what powerwolves do, shut down opinions, discredit reads and take control.

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