Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

it wouldnt have worked anyways, i was sitting ready to vote out frost, i was getting ready to vote after they voted but the thread closed

the Marluna wagons exists because the people voting them think Frost was defending a partner, I and jarek think the polar opposite

Frost is a busser so Iā€™m on yā€™alls side on this one

Then again, I have seen him hard defend his partners quite a few times, but itā€™s usually the opposite (as in, he gets hard defended)

i mean there was nothing to defend, frost was just like waving their hands around shouting Marluna is town. like i said before it looks more like they are giving off the this tone that comes off, ā€œas wanna bet on marluna being a wolfā€? it just feels like tmi not partner defending

but thats my interpretation

where did frost go in this PoE removal?

VOTE: hazard

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Marluna (3): Bakefia, Jarek, Luka
Luka (1): PrincessAbigail
Millium (1): Wazza
Hazardwaste (1): Millium

If you want me to be blunt? I probably forgot they existed. I wrote it down later in the day that I forgot they existed and re-added them, then I pushed them.
Hazard / Ice / Marluna / Jarek
Something like my POE right now

I always want marluna flipped

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ive been going through hazard/ice isos
if people want to vote out marluna, im not helping with it, i gave my stance there

ya i think luka is just town here as well, not sure what my previous stances were on them, but im sticking with this

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Can you point out a few weird statements from hazard?


Updated POE:
Hazard / Marluna / Jarek / Kiiruma

  • Abbi(?) + Ice (?)

Hazard last on there, I havent iSOd them but theyā€™re probably good(Great logic)
Jarek / Marluna / Kii honestly might just be our evil team
Id be fine with going in anybody there today

Leafeon, Millium, Wazza, Me, Ice all lean good
This game is probably just a win tbh but yeah

poe wasnt even updated lmao

Abbis today was kind TWTBAW(Yes it does exist)
Hate wazza using wifom but whatever
Jarek had pretty weak ATE today at start to justify their read on frost

That was AtE to you?

Thereā€™s nothing to justify, other people saw the same thing I did. My only regret is that I didnā€™t re-evaluate D2.

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Votecount as of P#2918

Marluna (3): Bakefia, Jarek, Luka
Luka (1): PrincessAbigail
Millium (1): Wazza
Hazardwaste (1): Millium

Not Voting (4): Hazardwaste, Marluna, Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain

Yes but it was pretty weak as said
It was like 99% unintentional