Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Im not voting wazza

Wazza is town

your info incriminates them


I also thought that until you outed your check

Did i miss something?

this, you saw Wazza visiting Kii the night Luka was redirected

I have an ability that also targets two people if it helps I can ask, specifically, if my ability visits both players

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thatll be great tyvm

Ya explain it like im five

how does this incriminate Kii

I can’t like quote the exact text but “target” and “selecting a player” are differently described in my rolecard

I also have a confirmed action on Kiiruma that isn’t a redirect lol

In the meantime

you roleblocked them?

either way I’m full claiming since I’ve got nothing else I can do now.

My role is a Hacker and I learn if players receive a Positive or Negative result on the night I checked them, upon finding a positive result, I gain access to a 1-Shot Cop check while disabling my original ability.

It’s why I didn’t feel my role was that weak

Abi did you lie about the ability to roleblock me because if you did then why

what’s your check then

I literally said their result before they did and they claimed they didn’t even get a result but when I said that they changed it and said they did.

tfym what’s my check I said it all day yesterday pay attention