Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

actually at the moment I townread you

especially with your behaviour right now.

I’m just tired of influencing my opinion on peoples roles from their claims lol

you’ve just made me realise I’m townreading 6 people and scumreading literally only Bakefia

ugh I hate forum mafia

XD thats fair. i am a heavy mech solver which is why i am so bad at vanilla games its not funny.
my only correct scum call was me calling out someones role saying it sounded not town sided at all.

atm I think I’m ranking it like


you’re lower than I thought ranking it down
which means I’m definitely wrong somewhere

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hope you had a good bday

I am sorry to you and most others for my protest but there have been personal attacks since mid D1 and I am sure nobody would like to play a game under such conditions. This has been ignored by most of you and I respect that decision. otoh I am not going to spend my hours responding to the insults and the people who are baiting for more trouble.

They are either wolves or simply people with bad intentions. If I call x = mafia, I shouldn’t have y shading me, x insulting me and z fueling them because they dislike me personally.

Leafia already claimed Caroler/Ninja on D2 with all the details so Kii’s reasoning for todays push doesn’t hold any water. Jarek was quick to jump on it and Abi is trying real hard to change the way she used to play for whatever reason idc they are town or wolf; they are even more selfish than before, i respect the hustle.

I don’t think any of you need me go guns blazin here. We decided to hydra because we both have very limited time and wanted to have fun. Honestly, I have been enjoying the game more this way without posting or doing stuff. I think Leafia likes to take charge and there have been times she forgot about my opinions during D1 and went on to do things on her own which made us look weird. I think it works better if she has most of the control and I keep my thoughts in discord with her.

Here is my quick readlist/opinions independent from Leafia if you guys care anyway

dead players:
tutuu - I’ve called them town because I know their meta well. People ignored my warnings on D1 and acted like I did nothing this game compared to some others
ElizaAngel - Another player I publicly towncored D1. Died N1.
Ash - Player I towncored and TRUSTED with my one-shot carol. All the posts are there between me, Ash and Luka. I am glad Leafia didn’t continue insisting on Millium after I posted my 1000 word essay on why Millium claim and slot is not to be trusted with a carol. Ash died N2 after confirming the carol.

Marluna - Honestly Marluna does what Marluna wants and I won’t judge people for voting them out. My only problem is that people paid a lot of attention to Marluna on D1 when Wazza and Kii had worse content over and over. Marluna was my compromise just like tutuu @Hazardwaste . Marluna pelt goes to Millium and Leafia

Frost - They were on null/townlean for me D1 and on D2 they started trending down the moment they had a switch on our slot. I was protesting to play and had very little time anyway. I asked Leafia to take over and do whatever she likes. Leafia has good meta with Frost so she was able to convince people on why Frost is outed after their weird push on our slot. Congratz to everyone taking part in that but that pelt goes to Leafia.

Luka - I was townleaning them D1 but D2 was looking a bit different and they were trending down from what I have seen. Eliza death looked bad on Luka too or maybe mafia wanted it to look like that. But then I found them trend up again on D3. So Luka death on N3 makes me look back at my scumreads and PoE on D1.

Living players and I am sorry but I don’t have a particular positive lean about any of you:

Abi - she is acting strange and has shown a lot of confidence about stuff that she normally doesn’t show in her town games. I think this is the main difference as to why she might be a wolf here. I have played some games a while back with her and I can easily spot the difference. However, they had a break and maybe they changed some stuff about their gameplay and this is the first time I see the changes.

Jarek - had a solid townlean on them D1, had this strange ping from them about something - a similar reaction frost gave me earlier and I think Jarek looks bad from the spew. If I actually cared about this game, I would certainly read their ISO a couple of times and see where they stand on the interaction map.

IceT - I am consistently troubled reading them but I enjoy their contributions. I was expecting today to be IceT vs Hazard dome but both players seem to be not going for it after Kii’s delusional withchunt against me. IceT is another player I would look into besides Jarek when it comes to the interaction differences. I think their treatment of Jarek and Frost looks pretty bad on them compared to their tone with other people. Mafia often has a soft weak tone with their informed mates that displays partnery emotions and otoh they display a slightly more distance when talking to uninformed. Not saying IceT 100% displayed this but I am just talking about the things I would pay attention to if I were engaged with the game.

Hazard - I think their D1 felt strange on it its own because I have to agree with dead people: Hazard has been different. There is also a world where all the nightkills benefit Hazard wolf world in a way. I thought they had a great case on IceT on D3 so idk what happened today with their progress. I like that they called me for a compromise, thats actually towny and if Hazard is a wolf, he is the maestro behind all this chaos. I can’t see this suit better fit anyone else this game.

Millium - I don’t like the way when people do things that could easily swing either alignment and put a makeup on their posts so they look somewhat positive? I have reasons to believe why Millium could be another associative with Frost(from Frost’s end) and I had them under spotlight because their focus was (intentional or not) to misdirect the game away from Wazza/Kii. When I called this out, I was thrown some heavy omgus by Wazza and the whole thing was kept fueled by Kii / Millium while I only protested the game because one player personally attacks one and 2 other are baiting for more. I kinda ignored Millium posts since then even though they kept talking negative about me between their other posts.

Kii - Their case on me doesn’t hold water. Leafia claimed Caroler/Ninja word by word on D2 so they are just lying about Leafia not announcing the Ninja. Kii likes to tunnel a player entire game, it is their gimmick and it is NAI. I just wish they for once stopped doing that and actually widen their range. I also think Kii has personal issues with me but thats on them, i have no issues besides him fueling people against me. thats low if not wolf

Both Luka/Ash were at the opposite side of Abi/Hazard on some stuff. If I had the time, I would read into the interactions of these these people too. If I can solve Jarek/IceT and Wazza/Millium/Kii in some way then things are looking pretty damning on Abi/Hazard. I think solve to this game is hidden behind who Luka/Ash didn’t vibe with and how Frost interacted with others.

As for mech solve: obv someones lying about their roles for whatever reasons and some stuff might sound too unrealistic for some. I wouldn’t pay much attention to this in a Zone game, friendly reminder!

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i always care for read lists. it shows where peoples heads are at and i am glad you have taken the time to type it. i think alot of people have been very… yeah this game. not alot of friendly words passed around and i probably should have called it out earlier but i hadnt been the most invested into this game and havent done full read backs outside of iso-ing. so i apologies for calling you out and i am sorry you are also not having a good experience.

i will say i am extremely happy you decided to post this even when you werent happy with people in this game. shows resilience proud of you baker

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i dont think i would have ever dreamt of someone accusing me for being a deep wolf tho XD i take this as a compliment.

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Can’t sleep and how is it bad?

Yes. You’ve flipflopped so much on my slot,once even having me in your towncore. I don’t remember you being this indecisive as a villager.

You’re wrong on me. I know that much.

Favorite post of the game so far. Would heart it if I could.

I’m proud of Baker too. :sleepingleafeon:

Y’all enjoying this post while I’m reading it as a whole lot of words on a post equating to a lot of nothing

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You should get some sleep i you’re that tired. :sleepingleafeon:

I really do need sleep but I’m already getting on with my birthday it’s gonna be an up all day for me :sob:

why did you ping me here?

i dislike the “feels different” i get this most games. can you tell me why i feel different or you running it off vibes.

Baker will need to answer both questions as she’s the one that posted that. :sleepingleafeon:

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whats your reads compared to baker?












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Too tired. Need sleep. Good night. Zzzzzz. :sleepingleafeon:

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I will answer this and add some more pointers on where to look next. you asked for a compromise. I already did that with tutuu and marluna. I am willing to compromise once more today by selfhammering or hammering whoever consensus wants. Be it Wazza/Millium mafia or town, mafia will be keeping my slot and their slots alive for F5. I think it is better if that is resolved today by chopping me to see who mafia NK next and push for tomorrow(they have to be more aggressive coming to lylo). If Wazza/Millium has a town in there then you should look into people like Abi who pretty much already prepared you to be the next chop tomorrow.

I will also add a side note here for IceT; they had a similar progress on another mafia in another game. Everyone ignored IceT’s reads there because consensus kept them in PoE. Maybe we should follow it today and chop Abi. Speaking of chopping her:

I personally want Abi chopped today because they are behaving similar to their last wolf game with me than what they had as town with me in the past.

Abi’s role claim + vanilize claim doesn’t add up with their scumhunting process and their case against me. They publicly declared Jarek would be their target but instead targeted me. This actually means I am never the Vanilizer here I believe Vanilizer should go after Jailkeeper in OoO, correct me if I am wrong to assume that. This also means I have 50% less chance of being one of the mafia members here because someone “vanilized” Abi. So, according to Abi I am the mafia that is not Vanilizer. I don’t think that should make me go to the bottom of her readlist or deserve their vote on me SoD4, it makes no sense. Their next alternative is Hazard in which she doesn’t elaborate why.

If Mafia believed Abi’s claim, then they would NK Jarek while vanilizing Abi, but Jarek is alive for reasons. I think NK today will be difficult for mafia, they need to prepare for a 2v4 lylo if we chop town today.

I know I am town and willing to be chopped because we are +ev. We have used our one-shot and remain a ninja rest of the game while having social problems with a few other here. Chopping Abi is greater +ev because their claims and solve doesn’t add up. It doesn’t feel sincere, logic is flawed and there is absolutely no connection to the reasoning behind their reads.

It was a vibe check on D1 and also majority of my towncore had you in their PoE or voted you. If you think I am town and if you are town, then you should really look into Abi and co here tbh. I am also open to different worlds and ideas if anyone comes up with a different lead :bread:

as i stand i am a mechanical over social reader sadly due to me not being able to read people correctly. mechanically their should be a protection character to counteract tutuu’s character card from day 1. and Abi is so far our only other protection claim unless someone is keeping their secret.
but i will iso Abi, I have been trying to figure out IceT’s claim of a Consecutive roleblocker and wazza saying “Its weird and such a uncomfy claim but i trust icet.”
Just so we are on the same page however, i am currently town leaning Abi, Scum leaning IceT and tightroping Wazza.

But i will probably iso the two people i havent yet (Abi and wazza) in the morning. gnight have good ones. and please keep it friendly. this is not real life or death. people are allowed to be wrong and people are allowed to not be the best 100% of the time. we are all human.