Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

my guy I’m tryna wallpost and you drop this


among us

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sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe it

yo im a visiting role, I got you

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I wanna clarify that my role can be done with 3 different players or 1 same player 3 times, doesnt matter as long as it’s 3 times.

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I can do first time since I wanna mason, the other times can be done w/ other people if town doesnt trust me

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Baker’s posting has been atrocious from what I saw, they go on especially about my slot with seemingly nothing to go based on it and everyone treats it as if it’s an actual read?

Not to mention, this post sucks ass:

This entire post brings nothing but irony and honestly just complete disregard to the thread? At the time of this post the two people voting me are Kiiruma and Baker (I’m specifying Baker for now, I’ll get to Leafia later). Kiiruma did not place a metaread on me whatsoever, he just wants me to post more relevantly, and Baker’s metaread on me… isn’t a read? Yet there’s a “similar meta conclusion” on myself and I’ve apparently received a “controversial read by a third player”? I don’t understand the latter part or what it could even mean but the first part is just straight nothing because it has no factual quotes that can back it up (And I’m sure of that since Kiiruma’s ISO is quite literally 9 posts long)

The resistant comment is literally just shading me, bear in mind we’re only 22 hours into the game, only 362 posts in and not everyone has even spoken at this point.

Also, the comment about the 1 poster under spotlight is ironic because at the time of this post (and for all of Baker’s push) I have literally only 3 posts. (just thought it was funny to mention but god it’s stupid)

If tutuu’s posting wasn’t worse and Leafia didn’t improve the posting significantly, this would’ve been my vote for this post alone.

More coming soon, just really wanted to comment on this before I left to eat.

I only have passives so im no help

only claim if ur GOING to visit them and no one else is going to

Sounds good with me. If Town object this then feel free to let me know.

Luka will be visiting me tonight. I will also visit Luka back.

I just expected more

I voted marluna first and then got pretty much shaded for not voting you

more is coming soon that’s

literally what I said

I meant more as in ur 3 posts originally, which was a meta thought after having played with you in the bastard game

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oh I get you

nah I’ve just been busy with work and sleeping tbh

You(or anyone) can refer to Hazard ISO.

I am not gonna bother with rest of your post because it is full of ad hominems and very poor omgus in general

went from a morning shift to a late shift which kinda requires my brain to sleep twice to be satisfied lmao

Fair, most of my posting is at work cause i dont even feel like playing mafia at home

Why wont u vote me?


the fuck is this post

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