Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

yeah, something is off with that claim imo

Hy Frost.
What’s up?

I just wake up not long time ago, still sleepy without coffee.

Have you considered whom you’re going look into?


The one I was focused on talked himself out of from my focus.

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Tutuu right?

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Honestly, I can see the role he claimed to be an actual Neut role.

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Powerofdeath that claimed neutral role and requires visitors to him?

But why?


Second question.
Do you have any protection?

Back after a nap

300 posts

none of them mentioning me


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You’re unpopular child, deal with it.

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Well I don’t know where to start so does anyone have any foot notes or am I gonna have to sift through this myself

Are you arguing…with yourself?

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The joy of Hydras, they are powerful when combining their brain power and at the same time, their difference is what makes them unique.

Luka keeps asking to be towncored does a wolf do that

Maybe if we pressure them some more they’ll do something funny

Okay I’ll play ball what shade is millium throwing at you, If you can point it out and I’m even half-convinced it looks “shady” then I’ll put a vote there for pressure and whatnot

I also dislike this logic

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I should elabourate this logic bothers be me because from my point of view this is a catch 22

they play the exact same as they did some other time, so they’re evil for doing it because they did it before, or they don’t, and they’re evil for that because they acted differently.

im busy later today; im writing one big post and im dipping until eod where ill try to help with my vote if i need to

my towncore:

baker - imo polarized player and blatant town; i refuse to believe he goes so ham as mafia, he comes off as completely sincere, put a shit ton of effort, notices rly small and tiny details, paying a lot of attention. easy tr

mill - i dont know them and apparently they’re a hotshot but i dont care, imo blatant town, i buy all the represented emotional angles at baker, i dig their solving, i dig their tone, i dig everything. easy tr

angel - imo polarized player, struggles a but with making coherent solvy posts as wolf (afaik), i see zero struggle here, i dig everything she’s doing, angel!story is the best alternate timeline version of story by far

marluna - generally ppl dip on their teams less as wolf (like completely 1 post and dip) - and when she came back that was just mega towny. i finally understood her, and her immediate consideration and unvote of my post and the clicking the heart thing was town incarnate. im hyping up the townread here a bit coz i feel like its necessary to counterract the fact that she was poe plus i dont think shes ever hyperposting like my other towncored ppl so this is probably as towny as i can find marluna ever

my townleans:

hazard - similarly to marluna im hyping it up a bit; i feel the need to since he seems to be scumread due to me a lot, even tho i moved on. hazard is more than capable of wolfing really well and fooling ppl. if he wants u to townread him he can do it, he doesnt struggle. the fact that he seems to be struggling a lot here, more than he was as wolf is a general town tell imo; for a lot of ppl they just dont wanna say any lies and try to be truthful and sometimes being truthful (as town) is liked less than being manipulative (as wolf). which makes sense, i mean, thats why manipulation is manipulation. for hazard specifically i think him not being a beacon of townyness is towny. he has struggled showing himself as town in all his past town games fmpov

icet - i liked that one post where he says “idk how to wolf” - in a nonchalant way while talking to someone else, maybe luka, or i forgot who. i found it towny as he wasn’t speaking to the thread in a theatrical / posturing way. it was like a quiet side conversation between him and someone else, between them only, in parallel to the loud group conversation that is the entire thread. thats just towny af to me, and considering icet, i just need to exert myself more if im ever gonna make a read on him, so thats why im reaching a bit


luka - im fine with their posting, i dig it. i have no past experience with them so i am wary. i will say that i do find it odd that they towncored ash, only if ash happens to be mafia. if ash flips mafia please immediately kill luka. other than that im fine with them

frost - about what i’d expect. i dont have too strong feelings one way or another though. he was town incarnate last game i played with him. im not finding him town incarnate here. which isnt necessarily bad, but it is a fact

kiiruma - he’s fine. kiiruma generally always sits backs and low posts and then brings out some op fucking power role like a missile launcher like in that eminem music video. id let him cook

jarek - true null. as he said, he’s the unpopular middle child that nobody pays attention to. poor jarek. pat pat. jokes aside though i just dont know him at all. i barely interacted with him in fam3, and he never talks on discord or outside mafia. i have no clue how to read him

scum leans:

abigail - so far shes playing in a way that isnt characteristic of her from my past understanding - she generally hyperposts. ive never seen her low post. so the reason why shes different is either because shes a wolf struggling to post (she took her last wolf game really harsh here) - or - something happened in the one (or two?) months that changed her motivations and gameplay. i cant know what that could be as i havent been in touch with her in a long time. if nothing significant happened - id gut scumlean her. but i cant possibly know what she’s been up to. id like to leave it up to the people who have played with her more recently

wazza - i dont mind her omgusing me, i hate the fact that she didnt end up justifying it. she hyped up her reason for scumreading me, as if she was going to wall post, she wrote a lot on baker, and claimed my posting is worse than his. and yet … she literally said nothing about me. u can verify that by isoing her. that isnt necessarily damning, but her alibi is that “she got distracted (by baker)” - which is just a fumble on her part if she’s town. admittedly she’s gen z or something and its not entirely her fault that her attention span has been rotted down to the core as is the case with all other zoomers. but that is a big fumble on her part if shes town imo (only if she doesnt get the time to post her thoughts on me until eod, if she does - disregard this) because posting ur thoughts on the person u wanna get chopped is the most important thing if they do end up getting chopped. because making solvy posts as wolf is a lot harder than as town. ppl can show their alignments via their solving. wolves can avoid doing that by excusing themselves from solving. if i were to get chopped and flipped town - wazza as town would have missed the opportunity to show herself as town regardless. and as wolf thats just an excuse for her. not a great look imo, overall. and to clarify - i dont hate her previous posting or anything. i never pushed her. i just sheeped baker as i believe in town cohesion and sheeping. u can verify this by looking at my past town games. i can provide links for u if u dont wanna look urself, i tend to sheep a ton

i’d advocate for these ppl to get chopped:

ash - i think they’re a struggling wolf. i dont know them, but in general its much harder to solve as wolf than as town. almost all of ash’s posts this game are them saying they’re struggling to post and make reads. they should have a lot more pressure exerted on them, and their alignment will hopefully show up. i hate their posting, i dont find it towny at all. and i dont buy the town derp suggested by luka, ash clearly isn’t a beginner player

powerofdeath - i trust that he’s a neutral and i mostly trust the claim. i dont trust at all that people need to announce they’re a visiting role before they visit him in order for his ability to proc. obv he isn’t the designer of the game, in case that is true, but i just think it’s a lie, or that something is off. he already has a neighborhood chat. his role, as a deal maker of sort, makes a lot more sense if someone were to visit him, they get a surprise neighborhood, he convinced them to do it again - and wam bam - achieves wincon eventually. thats all fine and dandy. but having the requirement for a person to say itt “i am a visiting role” - before they visit that just reads absurd to me. its really really clunky. its weird. and anyway - neutral roles are always safe to chop. since this is a role madness i believe that town can take a slower start and catch up later via use of power roles. we can always safely chop the neutral claim. its much better than chopping a townie. all townies are potentially valuable here due to their roles, more so than in a vanilla game. powerofdeath isn’t aligned with us, he doesn’t share our wincon. very safe chop. if a town gets chopped d1 - id argue town made a misplay by not chopping pod instead.


(apologies for the pings, i dont want you to pay extra attention to me, the intent is just to make sure my last post/legacy doesn’t get lost in the shuffle as not everyone is gonna read all posts and they might miss this one)

@Bakefia @Millium @ElizaTheAngel @Marluna @Hazardwaste @IcetFeelsPain @Luka @Frostwolf103 @Kiiruma @Jarek @PrincessAbigail @Wazza @Ash @powerofdeath


Votecount as of P#897

Hazardwaste (3): Luka, PrincessAbigail, Ash
tutuu (2): Bakefia, Wazza
Millium (1): Frostwolf103
Luka (1): Jarek
Frostwolf103 (1): Kiiruma
Marluna (1): Millium
powerofdeath (1): tutuu

Not Voting (5): Hazardwaste, ElizaTheAngel, powerofdeath, IcetFeelsPain, Marluna

Ok assignment finished. but i have now been told i have another assignment due in 6 hours. but i am too tired to do that so lets fucking go.
what did i miss

actually i’ll eat dinner then be back. i need to be of stable mind