Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

even being not-tipsy I’m still half-asleep lol

ooh jmw used the kill on wazza or hazard


why not kill another townsfolk? or was that a bad idea to do? was this intentional or a miscommunicatino?

(meant to quote magnus)

insane progression

The Assassin, Professor, Courtier, etcetera; they all wake up to be asked whether or not they wish to use their ability, until spent.

This isn’t something you would necessarily know just from reading the abilities, but it’s something that other people did talk about and it is the intended way of running things.

They should’ve given you the real grimoire as a sign of thanks :star_struck:

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Oh no it’s 100% the correct way of running things, all these roles wake up and the Chambermaid learns who awakes, not who acts

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I always forget this though because my brain turns off when thinking back on these sorts of things

Icet trying to convince me why they shouldn’t choose Pukka, I should’ve known :pensive:

so wait, out of curiosity what stops town from just not-executing tomorrow or double-tapping Icet

since it would’ve been F4 tomorrow, right?

Godfathers don’t tend to activate in most games despite an overabundance of them in games, it seems. Misty didn’t seem likely to die by execution ever, and giving the evil team an early extra night kill seemed less impactful than a late one while also being fun for Jmw. It was a decision made purely for the sake of maximising enjoyment, rather than for optimisation. It was the same reason why we made the Grandchild and Grandmother adjacent.


I respect it fair enough, not a fan of it, but it didn’t impact the game so no complaints about that

The god father pulka double stacked on the gambler and the assassin attacked you
The god father did nothing

atlas dies tonight, zug protects icet tonight for tomorrow, may is the only town alive who can nominate, we all nominate and execute may

no we dont execute may but icet cant die so icet kills may next night

forgot you were still alive

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And give town two executions for ???

It was a miscommunication spurred on by a lack of foresight and no discussion earlier that day. Jmw initially planned to kill Wazza, and then fell back onto killing Hazard because they wanted Wazza to gain information that night.

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By the way
Zug set up a code
Each day I nya’d with exact letters to say who he should protevt


I’ve known many STs that do actions to attempt to not have the game end shorter than it should

it’s usually in normal botc when you’re only causing the game to last about 15-20 more minutes so it’s not the end of the world