Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

im not taking back what i said

i do apologize if it came off harsher than i intended it because i was being jokey about it but what i’ve said in postgame stands

I think this was fair btw

i hated bishop in the last botc game can we ban travelers

they’re so op

next botc im signing as a traveller even if i have the time to play just coz i think it might increase my chances to win. i just made this statistic up

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just as long as you understand it wasn’t because of anything to do with the game I don’t have a problem.

and yeah @tutuu sorry about that sub in it would have sucked for anyone actually looking to play the game. Subbing out is a last resort for me I actually think this is the first time I’ve done it period


dont think thats exactly right but its far enough in the grey area that i dont care to argue this

this whole sub discussion thing doesn’t matter

jarek can’t change it and I’m pretty sure he knows what was wrong with it and I’m 99% sure he didn’t mean anything by it, it wasn’t like he subbed out to benefit evils or anything

The Sailor didn’t drunk the Assassin.


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coincidentally it lined up perfectly with my plans coz i was just there to be a body i told the hosts to put me in as a last resort i wasnt backreading and i wouldnt put extra effort just coz im evil

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I picked the Assassin the night they killed, got Drunked

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I guess my emotional state at the time could have been influenced a bit by it. I did mention the voudon after all. But I’m no stranger to being an openwolf in BOTC and I consider it to be fun - entirely because I don’t have to try. Why would I care that I’m a dead minion? lol


I was repeatedly picking tutuu because I was really annoyed people were just letting an outed evil sit there

I could see an argument for making you sober there, the gf and pukka were already killing there

Night 1 - Bionic (Exorcist) No effect.
Night 2 - Someone (Minstrel) Could’ve had an effect from Wazza’s information but didn’t.
Night 3 - Tutuu (Assassin) Kill processed.
Night 4 - Tutuu (Spent Assassin) No effect.
Night 5 - Atlas (Spent Fool) No effect.

If I knew how unfun voudon was I wouldn’t have joined as voudon, I thought the active players would die, have fun voting while dead, and discussing, and instead the majoirty of acfive people were alive

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I was between Atlas and Zug there

I had fun lol

I feel voudon is the better of the travellers

Yeah I get how it might have affected the game as a consequence now, so my bad. I apologise if it did ruin anyones game. I don’t think it did, thankfully.

its almost like wolves can do this on purpose