Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

I don’t think the kills were determined at all by voudon lol

no but they could be

All of them had a mechanical reason to die besides gummy

Stopping a DA on that day is something I’d do, yeah.

I don’t like how voudon takes away agency from me while alive and having no ability while dead makes the whole being able to vote thing a mute point for me

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the bigger issue is that it is super hard to care about the game when you can’t vote

didnt help that eod was at 7 am for me


Yeah but it wasn’t, that’s what’s not what happened here, you don’t kill non active people for no reason, you kill people yoy have a mech reason to kill, none of the kills were randomly done to influence a voudon

I dislike, in general, how travellers work as I say I think they’re stupid

I also entirely meant what I said when I say that killing travellers “just because” is also really lame because they are still players as well and if I got killed “because we can” I’d be a bit miffed


Stopping a pukka?

Her point is that Voudon inherently incentives evils to create the kind of gamestate that existed here. Even if it was unintentional in this case

also wait the evil team totally had a mechanical effect by day 2 besides basic kill ability. poisoning gummy meant the atlas exe took away their extra life instead of just doing nothing

what was intended to be the true statement on day 2

i hated bishop all of these gimmicky stuff is probably fun in short games. like in tos2 u have all these wacky roles and anything goes it doesnt matter. if we dedicate days a lot of stuff becomes unfun. like messing with votes or restricting ppls ability to post or how much to post or continually screwing up their night actions is like “No”

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Yeah but no evils will, most kills are decided by mechanical reasons, not socials

I like apprentice and I like bishop though


It’s actually worse

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No, I wouldn’t stop a Pukka.
For one, it interferes with all sorts of kill-stopping reasons so it isn’t helpful to the Sailor’s team during most of the game; and secondly, it just ruins the Pukka.

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In this you have 48 hours to think about it in shortform the bishop nominates 5 random dudes and you have 5 minutes to think about wtf that was about and hten it happens again the next day


i even mentioned that the first statement implied a pukka would’ve had to whiff on their poison and if the sts considered pukka poison to be the same as its basic killing ability they did not tell me

Gummy was dead by then.
Night 2 happens before Day 2.