number poker [v2] game over: draw

Fair enough. Do you happen to be interested in trading information? I only have [54] and [157] though.


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im not down to skip, i need time to figure this stuff out. I am down to trade info, though


I’d love to trade, but as I mentioned before, I can only offer [54] and [157]. I don’t know whether you’d be interested in these or not.

Right, round 6 started. (you have 24 hours to submit a number)

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well question solved everyone!


Valentine’s Number Poker.

I… truly don’t think i will be able to do a Behemoth program that will be able to check against poker hands. I just do not know Enough About Python. My goal is to make a code that will be able to check if a given set of numbers could work with the “Best Poker Hand”, but no shot I will be able to make it list all of them that work.

I will at least be able to use private info to narrow cards, that is working.


this is a sign to learn More About Python…


round 6 results are in:

  1. Marshal - four of a kind [163]
  2. Zone - four of a kind [191]
  3. Ash - full house [94]
  4. Squirrel - full house [80]
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All results are send to the people.
(for reference C=club, D=diamond, S=spade, H=heart)

you have 24 hours for submitting for round 7

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Special guesses accomulated so far. (doesn’t taking acoount if someone used their guess or not:

Marshal : 7
Squirrel : 5
Zone : 4
Ash : 3


tested a DNS constraint thing (seemed less complicated than a straight up poker hand one) for my code… … . … but I put 164 as one of the DNS values and absolutely lost my mind trying to figure out why my code wasnt working.


started to read this, and I thought you were talking about covid… (i know I made up the term, but it’s still funny)

Round 7 ended.

The results are:

  1. Zone - full house [193]
  2. Marshal - full house [103]
  3. Ash - DNS [184]
    Third: Squirrel - DNS [77]

@Marshal @Zone_Q11 @Ash @Squirrel2412

Hands are shared to the ones, who gained a hand.
Round 8 starts now, you have 24 hours to submit a number.


TIL that limiting a single card’s value to “few” possibilities means nothing if you don’t know what the values of other cards are. Math can only get me so far. I can’t do this without more data.


Wow. We got **** numbers.

First I thought 199 would give a Straight Flush.
I was so obsessed with it to the point where I promoted the 198 reward before Round 1.
Now, with the hypothesis that I have, I no longer see it as feasible.

In fact, I am assuming that we might not see more than 2 Straight Flushes in this game.

Whoever has [155] or [175] must be very happy right now… Speaking of which, who has yet to submit their Round 8 numbers?