Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I town read Leafia for being the only person this game who seems to be doing what I agree with lol, I agree w/ most of her reads and pushes. Also, I think that she was really pure in the first ~~200 posts of the game, and what she’s said of D2 I like. My reads are generally RN:

  • Leafia
  • Zone
  • IceT
  • Sunny
  • Bionic
  • Kiiruma
  • Luka


  • Hazard
  • Magnus
  • Gorta
  • May


  • Jarek
  • Someone
  • Wazza

This isn’t scum IceT reaction FWIW, I can link a game if you want. His reaction is just to go hide in scum chat (No Offense).

Why would Hazzy be the convert here? I love him, but wouldn’t like- everybody else make more sense?

So, you didn’t turn into Recharger?
Can I know the criteria for your conversion?

Villagery post. Also kind of affirms my town on Kiiruma, that’s cute.

He’s one of the nicest and most chill players, being voted pretty quickly as 2023’s most enjoyable player and that in itself is valuable for a convert. He’s also just a solid player too on top of it.

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He’s solid, but he also has nearly no thread control and I don’t think he did for D1 either. It’s similar reasons as to why I skated most of D1, simply because no wolf in there right mind would convert me there. Granted, I don’t think he did what I did, but I would think wolves would have a similar mindset.

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Bro if I’m town arsonist you should go bye bye and if I’m mafia arsonist you’re going bye bye whether you like it or not

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If this is true I’m willing to sheep on kiiruma, but I want you to consider Wazza first. They stated that they’ll play the game after they admitted that their reads were hedgy, but still haven’t done anything.

I’d argue it is AI in the way it comes across. They just genuinly seem annoyed for being wagoned as town, something that happens to be a lot too, mostly in shortform though.

Can I have your thoughts on Wazza?

No. T/T infighting shouldn’t be happening, nerd. The way Zone handled you vs them feels very pure.

This is true, but also if you’re a mafia arsonist you don’t just say “Yeah I visited you” xD


(So Villagery BTW.)


Also Leafia really trying to kill me, huh?
Did you rolepeek me Leafia? I know my role seems scary af I just hate it myself lmao.

If “the one who doused me” truly isn’t Icet, then there is nothing left for me other than death. I already admitted I was being impulsive on revealing the fact I was doused. I understood that I locked the key and dug my own grave. There is nothing left to do for me other than struggle.

You’re gonna need to elabourate why you think certain players are townie and untouchable today whilst other players that, no offense, are trying harder, are evil

Effort is NAI. None of the players in question are trying very hard, bar maybe you. Something that weird me out about you now that I’m bringing it up is that you suddenly appear in thread whenever I suspect you. I know that you love me but it’s happened twice now while you’re ignoring nearly every other post. If you want I can full on case any of those players but that seems like a waste of effort when I’ve already pointed out posts I dislike from all of them, bar maybe Someone.

i did not turn into a recharger. i didnt turn into anything through my ability i think
i was told that
“You have been enabled to give you the real rolecard You are… (another townsfolk here)”

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Ok so everyone agrees Wazza is a wolf right

I hope Frost tells me you’re actually Town Arso that would be so funny

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I always do that, nothing new with me. I have things I’m doing outside of this game and I don’t have the time patience or dare I say skill to stare at a random argument 2 people are having and divine their roles based off of that alone. The only thing I truly understand and know, is my self.

Don’t avoid my question. Why would they?

I know. I already talked about it.

And how exactly does that benefit him? I am but one insane guy playing among the many sane people who are currently voting him for townreading both me and Icet. (But mainly for townreading me.)

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