Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

How brave and daring… theyll put you on the wall with Original read of the month


VOTE: Luka


People love thinking this thing “May is scum” because of I act strange and odd. I’m very very good at being normal. I’m choosing not to do it. Think of what that says of me


ok turn on the normal

I wanna see normal May

Oh no is normal May MIA, since nobody normal would be on here :skull:

I think Luka is acting in a way that’s consistently very very slightly off to me, and while it doesn’t fit exactly in with what I understand to be her wolf meta, it also doesn’t look exactly like her town meta, either. I think she might’ve TMIed me town earlier: there was a post where she said Icet would either sheep or pocket me as wolf, but Luka nullreads me and has considered rhe May Sus for some time now, and I thought that was awkward. She’s also an extremely easy convert target given the fact that she’s so loud and high-influence compared to other players. And I’m well acquainted with the “if you don’t know who the wolves are, look at who you think is least polarised”, and while I think my lack of ability to play this game means it’s not entirely reliable to apply here, it’s getting to me


By loud I assume you mean swinging votes loud, not large quantity of posts loud right?

In general, she’s been very on the fence about whether I am Sus, which I dislike. Not encouraging it but not stopping it either. It would fit with a bunch of tunnely town


Yeah. Loud means lots fo words. Luka has high words per posr

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Do you think hes more evil then icet tho, cuz I really cant stop looking at him

Like its so off putting its insane

I cant imagine anyone doing that shit, especially to somebody you thought was evil, and then going full defense on a dime like

Icet is weird and offputting in a way that I’m not sure wolves would think to do? I go abck and forth a decent amount on him, though, honestly. I put him down as “convincingly human enough” yesterday. I think it’s weird how he’s been On My Side but ultimately he’s juuuust normal enough that I’m willing to leave him be for a bit. I don’t mind him being a wagon but I won’t sctively vote for the wagon, y’know

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There is only like 1 possible explanation for his actions if hes good, and I prob shouldnt say it cuz it might out his role, but like if thats the case why the hell is he so obvious idk

But like you do agree its odd right? And the more odd thing is everyone is borderline like in denial saying its fine

Like in my eyes its very blatantly off putting, to like a high degree, but idk

I don’t think sheeping is a sign of criminal intent, personally. Nor do I think townreading May yesterday should be a point against Icet; quite the contrary, in fact. I’m not sure why else you distrust Icet.

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Its the magnitude of sheeping that is the concern. Going out of your way to make sure somebody doesnt die, on D1 especially, is very bizarre.

Especially when you voted on said person, and only after votes started appearing on May you swap positions