Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

it’s okay my read lost everything because my confidence in it disappeared when I started getting to your sod2

Yea I still feel icet has more evil equity then may does

That just means Icet had a confident townread on May’s slot that only appeared late into the day. I know you said reads were useless early, but Icet might have disagreed.

Yeah having a “confident” read that early on is unfathomable, without a mechanical reason for said read

It makes no sense, its not like may said anything special either

I have a confident townread on May and I’m in the exact same boat as Icet when it comes to lacking any mechanical basis for it.

games like this make me wish I was better at fm

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That would require you to suffer playing more FM games to specifically improve rather than to have fun, making it more of a chore than a hobby if you don’t like it.


Alright, monitor completely fixed, so far the wagons I’ve seen are Hazard, Kii, Leafia, and Childe. I’ll try and make independent reads on everyone then sleep.


I don’t think you’re w/w, so he would either sheep or pocket you as wolf yeah. I’m ruling out a w/w world while making the post.

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I AFKd all of D1 for this reason aside from at SoD. Safe to say I’m not converted.

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Read above. I’m active today since I’m assuming scum can’t convert 2 nights in a row, and if they could convert w/o a condition they did so N1.

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I don’t know why Ice suddenly reconsiders may’s allignment as S/S. Either he commits to the bus which he didn’t or continues to town her, idt he puts her in this weird state between town/not town.

Thoughts on Wazza?

What is everyone else thinking about Childe? Has Childe ever played here before? If so is it normal for Childe to “claim mafia”?

Town, No, Yes. Childe is a confident town of mine, I have meta.

So, you are saying Childe has done something like this? Is Childe also a low poster normally? Nothing they have posted has substance.

Wazza’s still orange, you have a good wagon there. Building a team around her doesn’t quite work since she’s been off to the side, having not made reads on the first day then standing off lopsided during the second, but the same could also be said for Zone or Someone so there’s an unfair double standard in my head there. She didn’t mention Icet before saying that he could be evil, though, so there could be a partnership present there.

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You took that out of context read the rest of the message

flavor won’t help that much and I’ve been busy today