Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY



my personal thing is i think if iceT is evil he was converted.

itā€™s not just flavor, but yeah bloodlines is one of my favorite games

but thats tinfoil

I could explain the game lore for hours and not get tired

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XD guess you have an advantage then if stuff can be flavour based

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I canā€™t wait for conversion to end up meaning thereā€™s a Town Witch Hunter in play and thatā€™s it.


Ooooh, I found my character. And now I can see why my ability is what it is.
Anyway now Iā€™m done flavour talking and Iā€™ll only talk about it more if Iā€™m ever in danger.
Because I had to describe my fā€™ing character to find em rather than using a name.


Witch hinter will be one of the funniest roles ever if they do end up adding it to botc

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Legion games would be so funny!!!

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I canā€™t wait to pair up WH with Saint on my Legion script.

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Votecount as of post #2451

Today better have a tieā€¦

A tie is not a good thing.
We should just consolidate on a good wagon (Leafia)

Nahā€¦ ties are more fun.

I mean you could just use the image search function like i did


Oh that wouldā€™ve been smart.

That is indeed smart. I found my character. I didnā€™t realize the flavor was based off an actual video game.

So, whoā€™s ready for CFD 2: Electric Boogaloo?

We didnā€™t do that yesterday.

Sorry, I meant ā€œPrevent Zone from forming a tieā€ 2: Electric Boogaloo