Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Join us… Eradicate the weak, and let the strong live! (This will get me killed, won’t it?) Probably!


if you want me to be really honest with you. and i know this is gonna dig this shit deeper. but it was cause you actually made reads day 2 and had content that was more then just “meme it” you actually started solving which as a player who usually sits in the background and just observes. i connect to you more then just memeing.
which i would honestly say is the reason i was so taken back by the “rng” bit not cause of the rng but because it came from you. someone who i expected to crucify that shit if they ever saw it

i am not on your wagon.

when i vote i rip it off like a bandaid cause i hate it. cause i dont like being wrong and i dont like being pressured as seen in my many conversations.

if i didnt vote on you right after a wall post i probably wont vote you for the day XD

Neither is Icet, yet they would kill me in a heartbeat

You know what planting the seeds is? You give justification before the action, if things go bad you have an excuse to vote me later on, of course, you’ve now burnt that bridge and I’m glad I’ve caused that but that’s what I saw your post as


I do crucify that shit tbh, I just had rng open from a dr thing I was doing and felt it was funny to use it in this game for the memes tbh

Your read is fine, I don’t have any issues with it, it’s just a generic read so you don’t have to worry about it

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i think honestly i am finding that i am awful at reading emotion in text form. i feel like everytime i am offended theres no reason to be offended. but thats personal shit and should be discussed outside of game

after being on these forums for almost 6 years now (Jesus Christ please end this pain) I’ve grown to realise that taking everything to heart isn’t worth it, I still do it, we all do, it’s hard not to

But yeah it’s something to discuss out of game, just know if I say something, it’s usually just me with poor wording I’m not actually trying to be mean

Unless I am, you’ll be able to tell the difference


I’ll note this for the future. my apologies

don’t apologise for being a human

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you have emotions, you have feelings, don’t forget about them either and start acting like a robot, the only reason I do it is that I usually play fm tired or, as sod2 showed, drunk

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VOTE: Icet

Alright my vote is gonna go here so I can sleep, gn gamers, I’ll see you hopefully at eod2 when I presume I’ve been pushed at some point, just a hunch feeling

VOTE: Childe I’m tired and going to sleep

Man now i wanna go to bed

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I want to find a vote i am happy with first tho


I trust y’all to make the right decision. If there is a tie I will kill everyone involved. just remember that

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It’s not even 1am yet.

Mate i was at uni,Dnd then work. I have been non stop moving the entire day. I am fucking tired cause I have to do this in my rest time or i am gonna feel guilty that i am not doing anything


VOTE: wazza balls

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True it’s mainly POE reasons

No one is willing to vote with me on the other wagons and I wanted a cw to kii