Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

like a thought process

Thatā€™s the neat part. Yes I did, because I have more mentally coherent reasons to trust Childeā€™s slot over Icet.

Read my ISO down from here for like ten posts.

ok you win that one gg

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Getting called out for a contradiction, I could never.

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VOTE: Bionic
I am voting this due to being in POE mainly as the pile of ā€œI want to watch them moreā€ pile grows. i know this vote does nothing to the wagons but i actively dont like any of the current wagons.
they still have nothing to read town except for them acting like they always do. which is unreadable and a chaotic little shit.
i am going to bed cause i am literally one eyed open.

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good night

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Rest well, you better not even see this message before tomorrow. See you in the morning before EOD, maybe.

maybe. when is eod?

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6amā€¦ nah

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Itā€™s at 7ā€“ thatā€™s my time, actually. I think itā€™s at 6am for you, so maybe we wonā€™t see each other.

ā€¦ah, is that it?

Hey @Host_Account_1, the VC is broken.
It doesnā€™t register Hazardā€™s vote because the bot is case sensitive. The VC says ā€œHazardWasteā€ even though the player name is ā€œHazardwasteā€.

I assume the same thing will happen to childe since the VC says ā€œChildeā€ instead of ā€œchildeā€.

Please fix this ASAP.

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Also were you just watching the chat saying nothing?

EOD should be at 2024-03-19T20:00:00Z

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What? Do you want me to say something?
I am only interested in things about myself.

Another reminder, Me switching my roles may not be an everyone thing and may be due to a certain other element personalised to me or someone else choosing me.
dont continue on with the idea that everyone is being lied to until there is more proof on the table.


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what do you think of the top 3 wagons theres something you can talk about while i brush my teeth

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*looks at childeā€™s ISO*
30-ish posts from 2500-ish posts after 48 + 36 hours, and not even a single vote. How do people still defend this guy?

Which is not an admirable gameplay trait.