Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

You’re not obviously own Zone. Not even to me.

Correct and every person that townreads you helps you to do that.

Mine is at least.

While I’m not frozen, I’ve been busy and my interest has been elsewhere. You’re right though that if I was evil I’d have fought this a lot harder than I am.

No ties. Ties are bad.

I’d rather execute an evil like you than a villager like me.

Doing nothing is doing terribly Wazza.

Nah. You’re the strongest of the strong.

Those three wagons are definitely not the worst as I think they all have potential scum equity.

A thought came to me last night too. Is it possible we’ve been too trusting of Abi’s flip? That she’s actually a wolf that can flip as whatever she wants to flip as? I want to hear everyone’s thoughts on this.


It’s true. I also prefer your execution over any of those three.

At the end of the day this is a bastard game, so anything is possible. I do think, however, that it’d be unreasonable for flips to also be false as otherwise it removes a decent amount of solving potential.

I mean I do hate how you stopped being a wagon while I was having a rest. If anything it makes me want you dead even more.

I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable for a wolf role to be able to change flips in some way.

Probably only because I’m on to you and I hate how your wagon has died down too.

You could literally flip town at this point and it wouldn’t be enough to convince me that you’re a villager.

You’re so lucky I don’t have a gun this game.
Else I’d be using it on you.

If there’s any gunsmiths who want a dead Leafeon you can count on me to do the shot.

Leafia, quick question. You seem to be quite favourable of firm, unyielding key words like “everyone”, “nobody”, “always”, “never”, etcetera; always taking one side of a dichotomy. Do you usually mean that literally, or is it a form of exaggeration to emphasise the points you’re most confident on?


If you’re actually somehow a villager, you’re the one that’s lucky you don’t have a gun. Then again, I think you know me well enough not to be scumreading me if you were a villager.

Hmmm, good question. I never really thought about that. Maybe a bit of both.

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You and me both aren’t the best at reading each other. So I can recognise that this could be one of those moments where as usual we’re just turning against each other kinda out of nowhere.

Very slim possibility I’ll admit.

As an unrelated third party, that is my impression.

Also, here’s a challenge for you Kiiruma. Name one wolfgame of mine where I’ve come even close to claiming very early on.

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Good morning Bionic.

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I don’t believe anyone responded to this with their thoughts…