Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Bionic, Wazza, Icet…

Kill one of these three, not Childe or Kiiruma or Leafia, I think. It feels reasonable.

cap, so false, not on god, for unreal

Bionic is villagery enough for now.

I saw your notification and immediately went “if Bionic’s response was practically just ‘you shouldn’t kill me’ with no elaboration, I’m killing them on sight”.
Then I clicked on it and saw this post.

Describe why. Your last read on Bionic was null on early-D1.

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oh my bad

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you shouldn’t kill me

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This kind of stuff is NAI for him. My read on him is mostly gutbased though.

It would bring me great satisfaction, unless you’re the most important role in the game again.

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This doesn’t really give any help. If you have specific lines from Bionic that you feel are slightly town-inclined but you don’t want to share them for whatever reason, please feel free to do so.

nah i got a weak role

What happened was: There was a tie. The setup has exactly 1 Mafia PR. I made a 3-way tie, and the person I voted was the Mafia PR.

Also, at the end of the game, we realized that the tie was between VT and Goon.

My point is: LONG LIVE RNG.

I don’t have anything specific but his latest post is something I find villagery.

I can’t tell whether or not you believe yourself to exist beyond statistics or if it’s a bit.

Anyway, heading back out for now to concentrate on Fantasy Life for the 3DS. :sleepingleafeon:

Why is why it’d make more sense for w!Kii to just scumread me and gain other people’s favor by “being sane”.

Your gutread doesn’t really outweigh the metric of my comparison to Bionic’s other wolf game in my mind, even though it was from early D1; nor anyone elses’ scumreads in the game, so I’m sorry. But it’s appreciated nonetheless.

You don’t understand. I was not talking about being killed (executed). I was talking about being (night) killed.

That idea… is as paranoid as my idea about OP lying about no 3P. If what you say is true, then we ought to have a Mortician in this setup.