Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I don’t have a meta on Wazza so maybe fair. Gorta had an excuse to do nothing sure but that doesn’t look very good, and that doens’t make for good pushes. Leafia is an obvious convert target but we don’t go after conversion targets today NMW, aynbody suggesting so should be instantly gassed TBH. Go for starting wolves, don’t tinfoil.

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Sue me, being evil is fun

YYup. Also, Bionic’s role is busted to all hell and we have a day vig flipped, and my role is pretty strong as well. So, I’m fairly certain it’s possible.

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Prove it

True. I can see where you’re coming from there.

Should be easy enough if I vote an evil

Okay I was thinking Jarek and Leafia were converted but now I want it to be you

Am I a desperado and I don’t know it and Hazard was redirected to me somehow when trying to back people up??

Considering a 4p team of Jarek / Wazza / Gorta / May?
Does Magnus have a god read on May? Same with Hazard?

Want is different from possible. You don’t go for conversions today period, that’s an easy wolf push of a town read. We have at least 2 non conversions from Zone’s info, so we go for them. That simple.

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All I know is Gorta is never starting wolf here. I’d bet money on that. N2 convert, maybe.

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*looks at my own role*
Y’know what? Fair enough.

Hmmm but what if hte conversion targets are REALLY OBVIOUS

Leafia might be “Too obvious” but I genuinely implore you to consider the world where Leafia got converted because it does make sense and I don’t want to lose to the world where mafia did the strongest (albeit slightly obvious) thing.

Wolves never go for obvious conversion targets on this basis in my experience. IE: Look at LFOL, Virtuous, Ect. Wolves never went for the really blatent conversion target simply out of fear that a protective might be on them, and that’s furthered in a closed setup.

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I think Gorta might be a wolf, be it convert or not.
I just know Gorta enjoys the flavour and I’m happy for that.

We should honestly consider all worlds just to compare how likely they are.

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Chances are I’ll be dead before considering it, but if I’m alive sure. Regardless, I don’t want to consider conversions for today.

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I’ve honestly been having misgivings about Luka since mid D2 and it’s making me uneasy. How are you so sure I wasn’t converted last night?

I do agree with Luka here though. That’s how we lose.

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