Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I am NOT involved in the nightchat, let me specify

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We don’t tie and we don’t vote other people.

I confirm this mech exists.

My original option was Magnus/May because from what I saw one of them had a greencheck on the other one, but I changed my mind once I felt like May was wolf and instead decided to put the two biggest yappers in a room together, or in other words Luka/Zone

Shouldn’t have voted tbh. You got what you wanted, and you’re probably evil.

But like hell I’m going to convince anyone to vote you they’d just kill me if I did that.

Game would be over

Well no it wouldn’t tbf, MyLo means we can still tie yeah but still

It’s entirely possible it’s 3v8

We mislynch, it’s 3v7
Wolves convert, it’s 4v6
Wolves double kill, it’s 4v4
Wolves win

The existence of MyLo confirms the lack of existence of neutrals, right?

Oh, true. I just considered a double neutralize, 3v7 being MYLO feels. Icky lol

It was confirmed from the OP

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a rolemadness with confirmed no neuts, what has this world come to…

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In fact, I think Zone here confirms it

Not asking about the anticlaim is a fumble btw

Cool looks like I voted wrong

I’m obviously going to sit here advocating for your death, I hope you’re aware

I didn’t want to vote you personally, I’m ngl I would’ve rather crossed with Leafia

but that whole “mech town” thing, Leafia probably doesn’t get converted so

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That’s my mistake, I theorized the anti-claim might be conversion.

Meh, we have 2 confirms already. Just wait for more people to ack, I still don’t know who the evil team is if you guys are v/v.

Also, a hood isn’t confirming Wazza as town? The last uhm, 3 scum games I’ve had in RMs I had a masonry as wolf so. Dunno, weird post.

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