Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I visited Leafia N2

they were rbed n1

Huh… Well she isn’t converted based on her flip, and she didn’t say she was doused…

Huh. You… really are not the Arsonist.
Wait. Then you–
Oh. I think I know what you did.

Okay, yeah. You’re Town.

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Lord. Imagine if the bastard element is false flip.

For headache-avoiding reasons, I have to say this is a joke. I really can’t afford to enter this rabbit hole.

Jarek is a wolf, and Wazza is a frame. Hope this helps!

hahah I’m right aren’t I

hohohoho I’m tempted to vote you just to hit the whammy

Jarek’s been acting strange all game and tried to townclear himself for Fake and Bad reasons. He’s highposting and feels hands-off, gloves-on in a similar way to how he did as evil in Virtuous. It feels like there’s a layer of air between him and his opinions. The thread also took his and Wazza’s crossvote with a lot of caution, not locking in votes - if it was V/V, I would expect at least one wolf to get greedy and place a vote to encourage others to do so (and I still think Wazza is towny off of meta, off of the confirmable claim that doesn’t make sense as a wolf role, off of the thread’s treatment of her and the high energy at EoD2). Instead, we slept.

Bastard is conversion. And Hazzy’s role.

Can you walk me through this x2 lol?

Id like a You / Wazza cross today, but I’m fine with You / May as well. There’s defo one evil in the former, and I think May is just evil for the latter?

What are said fake and bad reasons?

Lying about having a confirmable role

Well at risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m a bulletproof and my entire job is to make the wolves want to kill me. Those reasons might be forced and stupid but at the end of the day all I have to do is fool 1 wolf and get attacked exactly once and I’ve done my job

I’ve been trying to kill Jarek all game and people kept going “nooo claim nooooooo”. Like I remember childe specifically getting mad at me for it D1. Feels like it was a way to buy time

Didn’t he give an example for this though?

What does this mean

A reason as to why he did it. I was wondering why you’re pushing along that angle?


4 wolves + me pile on wazza out of the blue

the 6 remaining townies vote elsewhere

They had a reason to be scared