Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Five hundred posts in his most recent town game.

If i say anymore i could be telling him how to play. But combinatorics is different

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thats it this game is giving me an aneurysm, I shall now only post in emojis

Explain to me your life story then now

Has Bionic had a wolf game on this site yet?


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Cool, my spreadsheet is prepared.
Icet, Luka is currently townreading you. How does this influence your response?

idk i just wanted activity in the thread and the last thing i remembered was luka saying they didnt town read me and him boasting before this game started how polarized i was

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In Popcorny, w!Bionic was defensive when suspected in a meta context (saying they had been playing the game, rather than pointing to in-game behaviour initially), and was occasionally louder than they generally have been in other games to my perception (to the degree of responding in capslock to the regular early shots in that game). Appearing to be wise, rather.

Through that lens, Bionic initially poking fun at their inevitable early wagon and doubting the amount of evidence against them (here) portrays a similar outside-context defensive demeanour; while their drone strike comment is enthused in a similar way to Popcorny’s “early shot” shriek. Bionic’s reactive votes were turned against the players who voted them, before jumping on whatever bandwagon arose soon thereafter…

It’s worth commenting on this pattern even if it isn’t precisely reliable, because it’s interesting.

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Light townie for mag

You’re town
I never boasted about how polarized you are, I said “I forgot how polarized you are”.

isnt that the same thing?

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Proclaiming that you’re obvious town is literally never villagery,especially this early.

This is the wolfiest post I’ve ever seen Magnus make. Giving Ice a scumlean for now too.

VOTE: Magnus

May can be town for now.

Wazza probably town.


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Nah, there are a few polarized players who I can’t trust myself to read. I also think that it’s putting to much expectation on me to read a player waithin 150 posts of the game when they’ve made like 5.


Your current scumreads are Jarek, Magnus, Icet and Bionic. You formerly suspected Zone off the back of Luka’s read before retracting it for the same reason they provided. Is this correct?

I would call it largely null and void for either direction a wolf could easily say what I am saying, but a townie could say the same thing and be telling the truth or otherwise baiting. To assume that only a wolf would make such a decision is not taking into consideration the pros and cons of such a play.

Bionic is more nullish for me right now but the est is correct. Except for suspecting Zone. I think.

No one is obvious town this early but you have a point with the rest of that.

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That is true for now

My heat-map has your row highlighted green in Zone’s column because I marked a townread in that direction somewhere, but fair.

Your scumreads on all of Jarek, Magnus and Icet are antithetical to anyone else who has marked a read on those slot. Luka and I townread Jarek currently, Hazard townreads me, all of the above townread Icet. I don’t trust May. Given that some of your more recent reads have gone unexplained, mind shedding some light on why you think all that is?