Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Cause some people don’t read meta, and they just ignore posts regardless? So I ask?
Is this even a fucking real accusation, all you needed to say was “yes”.

That means I was wrong in the first place, which once again I doubt. I’m never starting wolf here like, at all due to me having no activity D1, which doesn’t come from W!Me at all x2, given it was fairly clear I wanted to blind conversion?

Bionics real role is more powerful than what they claimed.
Abi was obv!v and was killed only cause she didn’t want to try.

Your only defense stems from OMGUS, calling me wolf for accusing you as if I can’t be wrong as some omnipotent god, which is why you’re a wolf. You’re using Hazzy reading you as v as a defense when people can be wrong, and you’re accusing me for said “wrongness” with a fucking blindfold as to every other wolf around your eyes.

I never mentioned it directly, however, I did say something which in itself points out the fact that I’ve considered the possibility of you being roleblocked. I just don’t believe that all 3 of you are good + there’s a scum roleblocker (Fun fact, my character does suggest there’s a scum roleblocker. I just think that all 3 of you being good together is untenable and you’re the most wolfy of the 3)

The use of the word ‘should’ does imply there are ways for there to be no redirection that I had thought of. These being yourself being redirected or roleblocked.

And how am I wolfy? You’re completely and utterly incapable of asking that one question when it’s presented to you, aside from “you’ve been pushing town!” despite a grand total of one player I’ve actually pushed flipped this game. It’s clear that wolves are resistant to my pushes, EOS.

That can also be interpreted as an accusation against me, hence why it’s not a good defense here and I don’t know why you’re treating it as such.

Oh you mean like you’ve probably been on Childe this entire game? Because while building worlds you’ve argued Childe is wolf in most of them?

Also I’m not using Hazard reading me as V being a defence. It’s a very simply point I’m highlighting. If I was a wolf, Hazard would be converted, not dead. Same vice versa. It’s why we both were paranoid on each other D2, but then realised what it said about each other.


i regret my past

Sure, I can be wrong on Childe. If I am though, they’ve massively changed up how they play wolf on a conceptual level. It’s quite literally last resort for me to vote them here out of the people I consider “hard” cleared.

Also, why should I believe this? Like, simple as that. I don’t get why I should believe that you would convert Hazzy.

Because Hazard literally said it himself.

  1. You could be converted N3
  2. Dumb gripe, but why would I believe Hazzy on this?
  3. You’re acting way differently then when accused D2

Also, you still never answered the question of why I’m scum?

How is Hazzy misclearing you not possible? Do you have any evidence of what you’re claiming, or is it just based on social stigma? Why wouldn’t Hazzy convert May, who’s also his buddy? You can’t answer any of these questions yet you’re still using it for a defense for yourself.

1 - Ah yes, the slot who was pushed on a ton by several players and has been PoE the entire time. For sure being converted N3, you got me.
2 - Because he’s much more experienced than you are when it comes to me. You don’t really know me (As is clear from your reads on me lol)
3 - I’m literally not but ok

As for that last part, it’s part PoE and it’s part that when world building you fit into it much better than others. For you to be good Icet needs to be evil or was redirected into the bus-drive or you would need to be RBd on that specific night.

Hazard died the same night and you instantly used that as a defense, so this doesn’t work.

He does not claim to have a god read on you, he can be incorrect as well and you realize this. Experience doesn’t equate to how good a read is, I have a ton of experience with Abigail, more than anybody in this game maybe and my read on her is “fine”

D2 most of your defense was whining about how this always happens, you aren’t doing that here.

I can be good w/ Ice evil so long as I was roleblocked, not a shock since I never said my role was week like a good portion of other players, and I’m more likely to use it correct. You have me evil as “poe” when I’m a 400 poster and there are non poe world w/ me and you good, which is just insane.

You know what Luka. Let’s speed this up, if you’re gonna vote on me, just do it now and don’t waste our time. Because I’ve told you everything I can do and it’s not getting through to you.

I think you might be evil.
But in the world in which you’re good, good have already lost this game because just like before wolves are leaving town slots alive who will kill each other.

Beforehand it was me v Leafia and now it’s me v You if you’re good.

Any time I’m telling you why things don’t make sense or why I think what I think your response is always along the lines of “I’m just not seeing it” so frankly I give up when it comes to your slot. I just need to hope that we’re opposing teams.

Nah, stop with this attitude. If you’re town, it’s your job to be findable. Being findable does not consist of ignoring all of my points, it consists of responding to them and engaging in good faith. Don’t pretend like it would be my fault if we’re v/v.

I’ve attempted to be finable.
Hazard realised we were likely to be V/V.
Leafia realised us being V/V made sense.

You’re the only one that cannot find me

I dunno :nerd_face: