Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I suck at this game :nail_care:

You are not broadly unfun to play with. You can get mildly tilted sometimes and that can be frustrating but you’re not Fundamentally Unenjoyable you just have some bad habits occasionally. Bad habits which I also have


they dont call him May “bad habits” May for nothing


^ This is autism honesty and I would make similar comments about pretty much everybody even if I greatly enjoyed playing with them. It’s me being as nitpicky as possible. It’s not a subtle way to tell you that you’re bad it’s to be taken entirely literally


Are you saying you don’t greatly enjoy playing with me

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ok the joke wasnt good but thats too far…



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nooo i loave you you’re so awesome /p

But yeah you weren’t who I was talking about when I said people didn’t play the game. In fact I was making similar complaints to you, when you said that people didn’t engage with you in lategame. It was just the Jarek Show indefinitely and then people kind of sat around

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Well next time if it’s my show I’m just gonna do whatever the fuck I want


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that includes voting that world I made that I wanted to vote on with 4 people in it and then not doing it because “lol how could I be right”

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Believing that you suck at mafia is the easiest way to suck at mafia. Believing that you’re good at mafia is the easiest way to be good at mafia

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You have your personal rules about “all mafia has to vote to end the game”.
Other hosts don’t have that.

Other hosts have a typical rule of “if an unpreventable outcome has occurred (e.g. hammer, no other options other than no-exe or mafia victory, dayvig shot flip, etc.), then close the thread ASAP”.
You don’t have that.

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I’m good at Mafia when I’m not sucking at Mafia

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Crucially, though, for the latter to work, one has to understand what the game of mafia is and what being good at mafia means. Being good at mafia means being good at listening to other people and realising when you’re wrong


Oh BTW this helped me so it might help you: making cases with citations and such is the way I get over my insecurity about sucking at the game. It’s my job to pick something to believe and explain to everybody why I believe it. It’s everybody else’s job to find holes in that case and check me when I’m wrong.

If I pull up the quotes and tell them exactly what I’m seeing, and I’m being stupid, they’ll tell me I’m being stupid. If they believe my case and push with me, it’s their fault as much as mine

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If everybody in the game is playing well, no loss is ever an individual villager’s fault

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conditionals with a premise that’s always false are vacuously true

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Yeah that’s fine, I think I am stuck in old ways as it doesn’t need changing.

Even then I did agree on Day 3, and look what caused it instead? Warnings to childe and May from not reaching minimum posts rule.