Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

also edited magnus out

I shouldā€™ve just combined our lists huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldā€™ve had Luka in there.
And you wouldā€™ve had Zone in there.

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sigh, Jarekā€¦

also Iā€™m so dumb honestly, I should have ignited Zone, but then I doused may, so 2 out of 4 doused?


I was right I just didnā€™t believe it

why did you think it was a good idea to snap vote?

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I donā€™t know

Hey if you wanna blame me you can but I didnā€™t grief us on purpose

Its fine, it happens.
Canā€™t blame Jarek for it in the end.
I honestly blame myself.

I shouldā€™ve just snapvoted Luka because Luka and Childe were 100% evil together fmpov

I am upset, but itā€™s never a good idea to snap vote

itā€™ll pass

also yā€™all let a slank wolf pass the entire game

me: Childe is evil others: ā€œmah meta broā€

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Well I donā€™t feel good about it eith because I had the right world but nobody talked to me

I would have interacted if I was here, so itā€™s partially on me

Nah Iā€™m just an idiot and I feel like I ruined it for everyone

just take it as a learning experience

I should have ignited Zone tbh, but I didnā€™t and it doomed the town, so Iā€™m also to blame

If Iā€™d just not tried explaining myself to Luka and instead voted for them then it wouldā€™ve been better. But in the end I still think Zone was the most hidden of the wolves and it would be difficult to determine who to vote should we even make it to F3.

I guess this is just a lesson to myself in LyLo (and MyLo too somewhat). If I have a read I need to go for it, unless itā€™s a read Iā€™ve had all game because then I might be alive because wolves want me to vote it (E.G. My Leafia read until I realised we were both just good and pointed at each other)

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I didnā€™t like Luka and whatnot but the idea that people would hate me ifI got it wrong and then making a vote that only I thought I believed in