Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

It’s morning in your timezone, right?

9:10 PM

I’m going to bed in the next hour or so

Do you follow a polyphasic sleep cycle?

no, I was up super late then got only a few hours due to my room being hot then I fell asleep at 12 PM and woke up at 6:30 PM

Huh. Alright, it’s fascinating to hear about others’ lives.

TL;DR if I go to sleep early I wake up early, which is something I need to fix

I tend to forget events very quickly. Games from a couple months ago? I have already forgotten. This is the reason why I don’t rely on meta: I don’t learn. More specifically, I learn very, very slowly.

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Alright, let’s get this party started.

The main thing I’m going to talk about mechanically is that since we have conversions in this game, town’s clock is (probably) going to be reduced compared to normal. Though I would expect that initially there might be less evils. This does mean that as the game goes on we’re not going to be able to rely as much on mech and on socials since those with good socials might be converted and our mech might be clearing of someone at one point and then useless later on. Do not hard defend anyone, take each day as it’s own individual D1.

Wolves probably would also discuss this next thing privately so I’m just going to make it public knowledge. Some abilities could be focused around this mechanic, be it detecting conversion, preventing conversion or something similar. It is wise to keep these effects secret since it means that wolves do not have counterplay.


I think that so far this game Bionic reads as Towny and is currently my most trusted read. Their slot is a wildcard and due to the whole nature of conversion I think that it might be a fool’s errand to trust them as the game goes on.


nah trust no one would convert me

Yes, I’m planning on leading and having an amount of confidence. Yes, I like my character and think I can utilise it in a way which is very much helpful. No it is not a surprise that I’m talking about mech… and if you have a problem with it, then deal with it.

if they did id be very angry (do not convert me for real)

I personally enjoy the conversion mechanic as it’s what got me into Throne of Lies in the first place. I also like its use in Town of Salem, Blood on the Clocktower and modded Among Us so I do have plenty of experience when it comes to it.

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Over confidence note that down note that down


Well founded confidence.
You and me both know that I’m good at being starting good and then turning evil :stuck_out_tongue:


Also my ideal vote last game for D2 was a 2/3 so like hey I think I’m doing alright. I just hope that for once I can avoid being the brunt of the town’s suspicion and I can actually just do my thing lol

Kiiruma being over confident or massively confident right out the game is a decently townie slot
Kiiruma making any read out the gate is also decently townie. But that last message made me feel uncomfortable and i cant put a finger in why

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2 does beat 1 tho so town lean congrats

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