Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

It is? I’ve never played with Abigail before, so you need to add context.

I’m pretty sure you have once but I’m not certain. So I might be wrong.

either way it’s been at least 2-3 months since my last game (I think)

I think may is a funny off wagon

I’m pretty sure I’ve been in at least one or two games with you recently.

Anyway, going to call it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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VOTE: Princessabigail

not that recently

but if anyone can show that Abigail is clear based on past games than please bring that up

thank you
if no one got me I know leafia got me


alright, I’m going to bed, but I’ll be here for the EoD for sure

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tomorrow I’m thinking of following another lead as well

unless I find something like I did with Abigail I’ll probably look at whatever counter wagon (unless people have better suggestions)

Ahem. Anyway.
I can’t read Abigail off this, but then again I don’t have to because I have Luka can do it for me. Her entrance today regarding role claims was stilted, the commentary with Bionic regarding the dayvig and conversion rose a couple red flags (even as a joke, the former conveyed artificial humour about the concept of a vigilante kill), wanting to die and getting offended when other people want to kill them, such and such.

Counterpoint: I don’t think May is partnered with Abigail, and the former also reads oddly formal to me in a way I don’t associate with typical May.

Irrespective of their alignments, Gorta’s case on Abigail looks vaguely okay for his slot since I’d usually anticipate w!Gorta trying to sideline such interactions, unless both are good in which case whatever. Wazza didn’t give me a strong indicative impression when I read her posts (and in a 4-person evil team she’s possibly bad but don’t worry about it).

Uhh… sticking with the previous townreads.

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This game is a game in which we have conversion, we cannot trust what people say about each others’ metas after this day annoyingly. Because it can just be a wolf saying it about another wolf. Myself and Hazard have some meta on each other, but is it trustable D2+? Not as much as in a normal game.

It’s not

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I mean most abilities generally speaking

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Oh i hardly cares about proving my alignment but i do care about proving that i don’t care if i die

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I have not once claimed importance I’ve claimed that voting me out is stupid and anti town which it is

I’m always dead anyways

Either wolfs anti claim me and i die or they don’t and you kill me tomorrow either way my role is town recharger who will act on zone tonight

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