Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

You’ve played with me before I’m Zenon/ neon

Gorta is always town


That wagon should cease to exist

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The wheel said gorta :wheel:


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Speaking as someone who has repeatedly proved this point before, it’s not all that fulfilling.

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You’re welcome. Now I just need to decide exactly how to use my night ability. The only hint on what it is is that I’m not sure the wolves would want to anticlaim me if the anticlaim is a vanillizer.

Ah. Not taking you up on the bet then.

Couldn’t sleep too but I don’t plan on being awake for much longer. Also, by early D2, my ability will be known to everyone.

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It sounds like some of you had exciting draws from the lucky pool. I’m just here guessing the conversion isn’t too overturned because I’m borderline vanilla.

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Same here except for my one little trick. Not even that useful. Now good night again. :sleepingleafeon:

Wow you all got the weak roles i have a 2 target conversion per night


Alright bet.

i dont really have much for day 1 to be honest. i am trying to dig up motivation which apparently i lost.
I think i over booked myself again :confused:

dislike he is still doing this bit after a day. if gorta = town eyes on someone. if gorta = scum eyes of someone.
(Point thought of later. Someone has stated multiple times he hates day 1 so i am not so sure on this anymoe)

there is meta that the likely hood of each other converting the other is higher then most people.
in turn if one of us is found starting evil later on in the game. it is likely that the other is probably evil to. Meta can still be used in a conversion game. its just a spicer type of meta

i swear your always this ability. am i insane for thinking this

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You make it sound like we’re going to have any clue when a flip is starting evil vs converted to evil lol

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Wait a minute. This is true. We don’t know any specifics of the conversion mechanic, including whether it is a factional ability or a role ability.

So how does one know for certain which role is a starting evil?

I figured it was a useful thing to point out lol.

But I mean we can only go off precedence in this case and typically it’s linked to the ‘leader’. The Mastermind (And Assassin to back them up if MM fucks up) or The Cult Leader (And other Cult Leaders) usually are the converter, it’s not a factional thing, it’s on a specific role.

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I am going off of TOL logic. A converted player most likely wont have an ability that js able to convert others

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And precedence when it comes to vampires in particular might be Town of Salem where Vampires are able to convert up to a cap of 4 vampires at a time, however there is typically a vampire hunter who’s able to prevent a player from being converted if they pick the same person as the vampires (also killing a vampire at the same time) and can kill a vampire on their off-conversion nights.

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Either way that’s my mechanical insight at least.
It’s nothing set in stone, after all, different hosts can run things differently.
But there’s precedence for conversion on the forums via The Unseen/Black Rose + The Cult.
And precedence for vampire things on Town of Salem.

So kinda take your pick there, we now have a few things that we can consider to be possibilities.

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My point still stands. Dont give up on meta if thats the strongest point you have

Fair enough.

But the issue is, there might only be 1 converter + 1 starting other evil and in that case will the other evil be identifiable from new converts?