Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

Oh nvm didn’t read this post. That’s valid.

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What do you mean by “stocks depleting”? Like you trust them now?

Can you elaborate on “passive”? Basically, what are you classifying as that? Is it lack of posts? Not much communication during voting? Both?

Have a good night, YouButWorse!

stocks depleting means their trustworthiness is going down

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at least from guava’s perspective

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Yeah that’s valid. I forgot to check thread and was worried I was gonna be super behind. Turns out there was barely anything to catch up on. Was both relieved (me no like reading) but also nervous bc no talking is less info. Do we need an icebreaker to get us talking or something?:joy:

Alright class, tell me your name and a fun fact about yourself.
(Embracing my inner teacher):joy:

Ah I see. That makes sense. Thank you for explaining! :+1:

Anyways, I am also going to go to bed. Have a good night everyone! :sleeping:

Ping me/reply to me with anything if you have any questions!

if every wolf is on one wagon then they were all on the eliza wagon
which like
implies four wolves between scoot, ybw, demi, anthem and you from my perspective
that doesn’t sound right

no stocks going down like Anthem and Bylamir are suspicious
I didn’t like how Anthem treated Eliza’s slot knowing now that she’s town
and Bylamir… sleep push and nothing else what is that slot



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i got new thoughts but i’ll post em when i wake up tmr

yeah they havent even updated to the new username system wtf

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(hi yes I woke up at 1 am im not sorry)

my other game finished so now i can FULL FOCUS this game :letsgo:


Son of a –
Hazard died before me once, also of course we get a NPC joining who decides to immediately vote me.
Knowing my luck it’s always gonna vote me while I live. As the odds of it doing that forever are insanely low.

Also yall CFDd Eliza to death instead of Kork or Jormok? :\
Internal screaming

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didnt think that would happen
but i also didnt think kork would be a good exe

oh also i should probably say this now
Did someone RB me last night? I’m confused otherwise >.<

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Hazard and Kork dying of all people sure is something

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