Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

There’s a difference between timing.

Guava doing it was because of guava’s weird persona of ‘Hey we can all be friends, peace and harmony’ but quickly changed into voting due to reads.

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alright correct answer

Shush you, there is never a right and wrong answer when it comes to mafia.

For example, if there was, then me being suspected as wolf would certainly be the wrong answer when it comes to my behaviour, yet it’s what you believe to be the truth.

tbf if you think Eliza was easier to find than kork then it makes sense to be confuised why they killed Eliza. Like I have hindsight bias and I’m like “oh I totally would have seen those messages and knew she was town” but also I know that I’m coping and if I was there for EoD I would have thrown too :skull:

The fuck do you mean fell off

He’s not saying those are all wolves, he’s saying all of the wolves are in that group (or atleast disscussin git)

I’ve been busy either asleep, prepping for work, or working

this was more what i was looking for from Merpy yesterday fwiw, actually taking stances on things

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It’s kind of common, especially for me, since I am openly a busser

So take from that what you will

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I would need pointers I don’t know how to town lead jkshadkjasdhjk

Town leading is not very fun imo

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What makes you say that?

But someone’s gotta do it

thank you sahjhdsahjkda


Kiiruma v

Sadly I gotta go back to work now

Absolutely cringe

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Wolves don’t have jobs, apo lock V

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Why is Demi both in 4 and 6 lmao

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Yes there is, that was objectively a correct answer bc it was a towny reasoning. If you have said “Guava’s vote was better because they’re post about it was longer” or something that would be an incorrect answer lmao

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VOTE: Kiiruma
weird posts today