Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

though as we keep flipping town in our exes he keeps building up sus

i’ve had you townread the entire time :sob:

i literally wasn’t even on the wagon to vote bylamir either!
and the eliza one, as i’ve explained before, i was the first one to even be on the wagon after you moved off of it

the bylamir wagon has ppl ive been townreading and now im like, really sus. like yb i was ride or die but idkkkkkkkk…drinks i thought was pr town the entire game and kiiruma who i thought had been town but arguing with my homie yb too…

what if wolf is yb/kiiruma/jormok

yb and kiiruma argued and started that back and forth, but maybe they were both wolf trying to get favor from town. like even if we had exed one of them the other woudlve gotten town cred or smth. jormok has been mostly read as town from everyone at one point i feel like, so its kinda weird that hes been alive for this long. could be because wolf cant kill him because hes wolf too

i do think the kill was strange tho
why target apo when people were calling ybw/kii town
if guava’s info is correct we know why jormok wasn’t killed lol

wait what was guava’s info


yeah like apo is a weird kill

wait that wasnt a shitpost? i thought the wizard thing was a joke or smth bc of the ctrl+a, ctrl+x, ctrl+v thing

nah the wizard thing was his role claim or smth lol
he kept saying stuff about bringing people to hogwarts

The way Jormok has been posting about it doesn’t read like that

merpy and guava were both jormoks wizards so they probably have more info on it


@MerpyDerpy @guavagudetama
Clarify pls, I think this is relevant enough if Guava’s saying it’s a red flag to get info on sooner than later.


Idk if Merpy was actually targetted the same way but overlordshrug
If that’s not the case Scoot is the wrong one not me

i mean merpy said they were a wizard at some point

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That’s why I’m specifying in the same way. No way Guava has this kind of outcry but Merpy’s complacent by the same effect.

Merpy should clarify :+1:


If it was an evil ability, I don’t think Jormok would be as upfront about it tbh. The ability didn’t directly harm me in any way (not that I know of anyways). That’s just my opinion imo

That is correct. I did. I am not anymore. It is a temporary thing.