Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

If that’s true… Good to know.

Not really. Does that sound like a provable ability?

I mean, if Kork was alive, yes actually. I could of confirmed you right here.

I have an information ability, if that was not a big enough hint, I’ll be more blunt.

Will not be around for a few hours but just want to give opinion on the #JORMOK-DISCOURSE

Jormok’s been arguably the most vocal person in terms of mechanical gameplay, from the claiming of 12 town (implied by 4 non-town) and the wizard SHANNIGANS. There’s also the “Vote sleep! Aha just kidding that was a trick” stunt, which I’m not 100% marking off the record as genuine.

I am currently interpreting it as a silencing-adjacent effect, which I find to be more useful in evil hands than good ones. The fact that Merpy and Guava deviate on the alignment based on the wizard ability means it should be looked through a skeptical lens. A way we could get clarity through that is cracking open Jormok’s reveal though. Not 100% this is my vote for the day but the fact it’s the second time I’m coming to this is a mental reminder.


we can’t do that, we lose the game if we do that because I am town. We are in lylo but not lylo.

@Drinks. Check this post.

O my w*izard, that is not a persuasive defense :sob:

Who else would you suggest get the axe then?

We need to all figure that out, okay? I am not the best at defending myself, but I am going to try my hardest so we do not lose. My suggestion is doodle. Mainly for that whole role thing they tried to do last day period.

Having briefed over the opening day I’m between Jormok or Anthem for the time for some SKETCH mechanical stuff (and NOT in the artistic way)

So the thing is either both of us are town or one of us is wolf. We have no conclusive evidence at the moment, and we each have negative points against us. As much as we want to go at each other’s throats, we should BOTH focus on someone else outside of the two of us.


I am willing to go out on a limb and go with this… for today only. This honestly seems pretty reasonable.

I wanted to vote Anthem yesterday, so I’d be willing to vote there again.

I really do not want to though, Like, i think you’re wolf, but… honestly I really shouldn’t? I am just going to attempt to not go with someone you go with. I think you’re going to go for someone that’s town, if you’re wolf.

I like this. There’s a mildly villagery nuance to it

I think I am going to look into Kana and demi. I think they are on the same team. Otherwise one of them would of tried to get the other one voted out.

So congrats you’re my first (very tentative) town lean

I see it, but again… my gut is convinced. So my mind is gonna fight it off and go with the logic of this argument.

D3 Reads (Ppl I haven’t looked into - organized from lowest to highest poster):

Doodle: Scum


This is a D1 post. It feels like a forced town perspective imo. I don’t recall Doodle doing this in AMQ. If they did, I forgot lol.

Tbh, this feels a little hypocritical paired with the above post.

I think this was in relation to my question about who Doodle deemed as “passive”. I don’t think I clarified at the time bc I didn’t want to sway their answer, but I did find Doodle’s push here odd considering they also played passive. Once again, Doodle pulls out a forced POV.

Granted, Doodle does provide a read list. I’m not good with dates. This is from 3 days ago. Is that D2? I am hoping to see an updated list from Doodle since a lot has happened imo. There should be enough info to read everyone now (even if they are a null for the posts they have).

I understand the inactivity problem, but counterpoint: you can post things at any time, and ppl will get around to them. In other words, this feels like a cop-out excuse.

Upon reflection, this feels like an attempt to derail discussion and mislead us. (I don’t believe it did, but that isn’t the point). Especially now your claim and information was fake. Plus, you used your fake information to push people. What would have happened if we listened to you? Would you have kept up the charade? I feel like the only reason you dropped the charade is because we didn’t follow your information. Then, you claimed it was a fake role to protect yourself.
If you were going to fake claim as town, I am inclined to believe you wouldn’t use it to push ppl. After all, your goal as you claim was to protect yourself. If that’s true, why try and push ppl?

Especially since we seem to be lacking ways to prove each other, it is imperative that we are open and honest as town. Lying about our roles as town (considering the town deaths we have had so far) is too risky. It doesn’t benefit us at all at this stage in the game. Maybe early on in small doses, but I wouldn’t say it’s good in larger doses. If someone’s lies control a discussion, we’re bound to misvote.

The point I made earlier: If someone admits to doing something evil, does it make them good? No.
You may argue that my view of Jormok and his role is the same thing, but the difference between Jormok and Doodle in this scenario is that Jormok didn’t lie about their role, nor did they attempt to make a push out of it. It was brought to my attention that the role is evil in nature, but they didn’t try to do anything evil with it.

In summary: Doodle’s playstyle feels scummy this game. They tried forcing a townie POV at the start of the game, they used a false role and fake information to mislead under the claim it was to protect themselves, and they copped-out of their attempt to mislead by claiming it was an attempt to protect themselves. They have openly admitted to working against town. I don’t trust it. Based on my experience from AMQ with Doodle, Doodle felt unsure about reading ppl, but they never acted like a borderline jester. I am associating this playfulness as scum-like. It doesn’t match their AMQ playstyle imo.

Scoot: Town-Lean


Gives a wallpost responding to ppl’s messages (on what I believe was D1). Showing activity early on is a good sign.

Gives a D1 read list. 1. Some ppl didn’t do this. 2. After reading this D1 list, it doesn’t feel forced considering what we know from flipped roles. It gets a townie checkmark in my book.

It’s not letting me repost the entire wall, so I’ll summarize it. Scoot responds to Arturo’s questioning of his read list. Being able to defend your read list shows you put thought into the ppl you were reading. I’d imagine it’s easy for a wolf to just grab names, mark them as town/scum, and move on. This interaction, although it was prompted by Arturo, feels townie.

I don’t quite know what Scoot’s thoughts on Jormok are currently. That may be a good thing to discuss.

Upon reflection, I don’t like the vagueness of this. Specifically, Kork and Bylamir “seeming too bleh”. I know Scoot’s explanations have typically been on the shorter side, but this feels too vague even for him. I would love to hear more about Scoot’s thoughts during this time (if he reads this).

I almost forgot about this. Scoot was one of the few ppl to support me when I encouraged Kork that his role claim wasn’t bad.

Another wallpost of explanations. Once again, being willing and ready to give explanations for reads feels townie.

Scoot and I aligned on our reasonings. As I know I am townie, seeing someone have a similar thought process (although it was wrong) feels townie to me. Based on what I knew at the time, Apo just radiated wolf energy to me. They didn’t really defend themselves, and someone else seeing that makes me trust them.

In summary, Scoot is town-lean. Although Scoot and I disagree on Jormok’s alignment (I think so anyways), we had similar thought processes and deductions this game. It feels townie to see someone share the same thought process/reach similar conclusions to what I have. Despite this, I am going to mark them in town-lean because I find being more active as townie (with certain exceptions i.e. fluff)

I’m going to break my read post list 2 parts. I am still working on it, but I think the second half especially needs to get out now because it is time sensitive and relevant. I bring this up because I said I was going to read into Scoot’s posts and determine whether I’m on board with Scoot burning or not. After filtering his posts, I think he is town-lean. In other words, I am not in favor of Scoot burning. I want to get this information out now before day ends. I am not certain they are town, but I feel more confident in them being town than wolf. Although they have been on the lower ends of posts, their contributions have felt town-leanie with little fluff.
In regard to the burning, I think Anthem claimed it. Considering how open they were about it, it doesn’t seem wolfy on the surface. However, I feel like it is a similar to scenario to Jormok. Day-burning feels evil in nature. You’re killing ppl. Plus, I still don’t trust Anthem from D2. This is where Anthem’s scenario differs: Jormok was very open about their ability, and then they used it in non-harmful ways. Yes, Anthem claims to have burned Scoot, but it is still an act that directly harmed another player in the game.
If Scoot does burn and flips town, are we going to ignore this kill and just say Anthem mis-shot? It’s possible that wolves are nearing majority! I don’t think we can afford to lose more ppl. Especially since Scoot is someone I think is town-lean. If they were null/scum-leaning, I would probably let the group decide and/or advocate for their flip to gain info.

Everyone, please give your thoughts on this! You don’t have to read my whole post. I get it. It’s a lot. More so just this last part!

I am sorry if someone already answered this, but how much time do we have until voting? Is that today or tomorrow?