Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right
cue wall of text
It was a personal attack (against your mother)
really breaking out the creative and situationally relevant comebacks for this one
I checked who voted for what and there’s no evidence of foul play - user presence will be disabled everywhere. The thread will remain open for discussion, but unless we find a solid, bug-free way to enable presence on a thread-by-thread basis, it will remain off
Thanks a ton for giving your input, everybody
I checked who voted for what and there’s no evidence of foul play - the letter ‘e’ will be disabled everywhere . The thread will remain open for discussion, but unless we find a solid, bug-free way to enable it again on a thread-by-thread basis, it will remain off
Thanks a ton for giving your input, everybody
thank god. I hat that lttr
Now i can typ without worrying about sing it
huh i thought it would have been closer than this
I am gonna reverse engineer the poll.
12 votes for enable.
this is just like 1984
(it is for the better)
I ch/\ck/\d who vot/\d for what and th/\r/\’s no /\vid/\nc/\ of foul play - *th/\ l/\tt/\r ‘/\’ will b/\ disabl/\d /\v/\rywh/\r/* . Th/\ thr/\ad will r/\main op/\n for discussion, but unl/\ss we find a solid, bug-fr//\ way to /\nabl/\ it again on a thr/\ad-by-thr/\ad basis, it will r/\main off.
Thanks a ton for giving your input, /\v/\rybody.
to the other 11 ‘enable in every thread’ voters
i love you
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
actually so down for this, that thing is a stain
May I ask why you think I voted what I did. Or why you think I voted at all
Well established story lore. I dont like voting in polls.
You like cookie thread and talking to people.
no i dont i hate talking to people
Do you hate talking to me as well?